PermissionsList - Nutty101/NPC-Police GitHub Wiki

Jailer Permissions:

User information & statistics commands:

Permission Name Default Description
npcpolice.stats.mystats User / OP Shows the user current information about their status
npcpolice.stats.userstats OP View the stats page of another user

GUI Permissions:

Permission Name Default Description
npcpolice.fines.payownfines OP Allows users to pay their own fines via the jailer GUI or command
npcpolice.fines.payothersfines OP Allows users to pay fines for another user via the jailer GUI or command
npcpolice.lists.listwantedusers OP Allows users to pay fines for another user via the jailer GUI or command

User modification commands:

Permission Name Default Description
npcpolice.admin.changebounty OP Change the bounty of another user
npcpolice.admin.clearrecord OP Clear a users record to as if they were a new user
npcpolice.admin.clearwanted OP Clear a users wanted history (Does not affect bounty or status)
npcpolice.admin.setbounty OP Set the current bounty for a user
npcpolice.admin.setstatus OP Sets the users current status

Plugin admin commands

Permission Name Default Description
npcpolice.admin.* None All admin permissions)
npcpolice.admin.reload OP Reloads the plugins settings, languages, and jail settings
npcpolice.admin.version OP Shows plugin version information

World, Jail and NPC default setting commands

Permission Name Default Description
npcpolice.settings.* None Allows access to all settings permissions

Bounty default settings

Permission Name Default Description
npcpolice.settings.bounties.escaped OP Sets the default bounty for a world or jail
npcpolice.settings.bounties.pvp OP Sets the default bounty for PVP damage in a world
npcpolice.settings.bounties.damage OP Sets the default bounty per NPC damage point in a world
npcpolice.settings.bounties.murder OP Sets the bounty awarded for murdering a player or NPC

Permission group settings

Permission Name Default Description
npcpolice.settings.groups.wanted OP Set the group assigned to players who are wanted
npcpolice.settings.groups.jailed OP Sets the group assigned to players while in jail
npcpolice.settings.groups.escaped OP Sets the group assigned to players after an escape

Jail editing commands

Permission Name Default Description
npcpolice.config.jails.settings OP Access to view a jails settings in chat
npcpolice.config.jails.create OP Ability to create a new jail
npcpolice.config.jails.rename OP Access to change the display name of a jail
npcpolice.config.jails.delete OP Ability to delete a jail
npcpolice.config.jails.gocell OP Ability to teleport to a jail cell
npcpolice.config.jails.addcell OP Ability to add a new cell to a jail
npcpolice.config.jails.removecell OP Ability to remove a jail cell
npcpolice.config.jails.showcells OP Ability to show where cells are in a jail
npcpolice.config.jails.region OP Access to change the region assigned to a jail

NPC Default commands

Permission Name Default Description
npcpolice.settings.npc.pvp OP Ability to change the PVP monitor default
npcpolice.settings.npc.distance OP Ability to change the maxdistance defaults
npcpolice.settings.npc.minbounty OP Ability to change the minumumbounty defaults
npcpolice.settings.npc.warning OP Maximum allowed damage before alerting default
npcpolice.settings.npc.assigned OP Change the monitor all assigned default

NPC configuration commands

Permission Name Default Description OP Access to show a menu for the NPC selected
npcpolice.npc.stick OP Give a stick for quick access to NPC settings
npcpolice.npc.guard OP Access to change an NPC from a guard or not OP Access to toggle if an npc has a menu
npcpolice.npc.pvp OP Access to toggle an NPC to watch for PVP
npcpolice.npc.distance OP Access to change the max distance an NPC can alert guards
npcpolice.npc.minbounty OP Access to change the minimum bounty before a user is converted to wanted

Player notice defaults commands

Permission Name Default Description
npcpolice.config.notices.escaped OP Access to change the notice distance / delay for when a player escapes
npcpolice.config.notices.arrest OP Access to change the notice distance / delay for when a player is jailed
npcpolice.config.notices.murder OP Access to change the notice distance / delay for when a player commits murder