PermissionsList - Nutty101/NPC-Police GitHub Wiki
Jailer Permissions:
User information & statistics commands:
Permission Name | Default | Description |
npcpolice.stats.mystats | User / OP | Shows the user current information about their status |
npcpolice.stats.userstats | OP | View the stats page of another user |
GUI Permissions:
Permission Name | Default | Description |
npcpolice.fines.payownfines | OP | Allows users to pay their own fines via the jailer GUI or command |
npcpolice.fines.payothersfines | OP | Allows users to pay fines for another user via the jailer GUI or command |
npcpolice.lists.listwantedusers | OP | Allows users to pay fines for another user via the jailer GUI or command |
User modification commands:
Permission Name | Default | Description |
npcpolice.admin.changebounty | OP | Change the bounty of another user |
npcpolice.admin.clearrecord | OP | Clear a users record to as if they were a new user |
npcpolice.admin.clearwanted | OP | Clear a users wanted history (Does not affect bounty or status) |
npcpolice.admin.setbounty | OP | Set the current bounty for a user |
npcpolice.admin.setstatus | OP | Sets the users current status |
Plugin admin commands
Permission Name | Default | Description |
npcpolice.admin.* | None | All admin permissions) |
npcpolice.admin.reload | OP | Reloads the plugins settings, languages, and jail settings |
npcpolice.admin.version | OP | Shows plugin version information |
World, Jail and NPC default setting commands
Permission Name | Default | Description |
npcpolice.settings.* | None | Allows access to all settings permissions |
Bounty default settings
Permission Name | Default | Description |
npcpolice.settings.bounties.escaped | OP | Sets the default bounty for a world or jail |
npcpolice.settings.bounties.pvp | OP | Sets the default bounty for PVP damage in a world |
npcpolice.settings.bounties.damage | OP | Sets the default bounty per NPC damage point in a world |
npcpolice.settings.bounties.murder | OP | Sets the bounty awarded for murdering a player or NPC |
Permission group settings
Permission Name | Default | Description |
npcpolice.settings.groups.wanted | OP | Set the group assigned to players who are wanted |
npcpolice.settings.groups.jailed | OP | Sets the group assigned to players while in jail |
npcpolice.settings.groups.escaped | OP | Sets the group assigned to players after an escape |
Jail editing commands
Permission Name | Default | Description |
npcpolice.config.jails.settings | OP | Access to view a jails settings in chat |
npcpolice.config.jails.create | OP | Ability to create a new jail |
npcpolice.config.jails.rename | OP | Access to change the display name of a jail |
npcpolice.config.jails.delete | OP | Ability to delete a jail |
npcpolice.config.jails.gocell | OP | Ability to teleport to a jail cell |
npcpolice.config.jails.addcell | OP | Ability to add a new cell to a jail |
npcpolice.config.jails.removecell | OP | Ability to remove a jail cell |
npcpolice.config.jails.showcells | OP | Ability to show where cells are in a jail |
npcpolice.config.jails.region | OP | Access to change the region assigned to a jail |
NPC Default commands
Permission Name | Default | Description |
npcpolice.settings.npc.pvp | OP | Ability to change the PVP monitor default |
npcpolice.settings.npc.distance | OP | Ability to change the maxdistance defaults |
npcpolice.settings.npc.minbounty | OP | Ability to change the minumumbounty defaults |
npcpolice.settings.npc.warning | OP | Maximum allowed damage before alerting default |
npcpolice.settings.npc.assigned | OP | Change the monitor all assigned default |
NPC configuration commands
Permission Name | Default | Description |
---|---|---| | OP | Access to show a menu for the NPC selected |
npcpolice.npc.stick | OP | Give a stick for quick access to NPC settings |
npcpolice.npc.guard | OP | Access to change an NPC from a guard or not | | OP | Access to toggle if an npc has a menu |
npcpolice.npc.pvp | OP | Access to toggle an NPC to watch for PVP |
npcpolice.npc.distance | OP | Access to change the max distance an NPC can alert guards |
npcpolice.npc.minbounty | OP | Access to change the minimum bounty before a user is converted to wanted |
Player notice defaults commands
Permission Name | Default | Description |
npcpolice.config.notices.escaped | OP | Access to change the notice distance / delay for when a player escapes |
npcpolice.config.notices.arrest | OP | Access to change the notice distance / delay for when a player is jailed |
npcpolice.config.notices.murder | OP | Access to change the notice distance / delay for when a player commits murder |