Change Log - Nutty101/NPC-Police GitHub Wiki



  • Wanted Status
    • When a player reached 0 bounty and they had a status of wanted, they would stay wanted. This has been fixed.
  • Language File
    • World and Jail settings showed maxdistance vs minbounty. So you never saw the correct setting.
  • Group Setting Commands
    • The group commands did not allow setting to blank, this is now the way to disable them from being used.
  • Configuration Saves
    • NPC Defaults for LOS attack were not getting saved upon the server shutting down.



  • Wanted Levels

    • The system has supported wanted levels but never stored with the user records. This was because it had not been fully implemented. Not there are several items added to support wanted levels.

    • setwanted This command allows you to set the users current wanted level. Valid values are NONE,MINIMUM, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH
    • sendlocation This command allows you to configure the forced send location when a user falls outside the minimum, and maximum wanted levels configured
    • kicktype Sets the action type and destination for kicking a user. Valid values are onchange-server, onchange-world, onarrest-server, onarrest-world.
    • setminwanted Sets the lower end of the wanted range allowed in the world, or server.
    • setmaxwanted Sets the upper end of the wanted range allowed in the world, or server.



  • Player storage Issue (Now with less alzheimer's!)
    • When a player was in jail and disconnected, they would come back in the jail and magically have all their time served, and be free to go. There was an issue upon records being loaded where I left the last calculation date as 1900. oops. Credit for alerting me to the issue goes out to @melodicaxe for reporting it to me on Discord and here!





  • Language variables
    • When a player killed another player, the plugin would say you are wanted for it, but rather than saying the user's name you killed. It showed <>. This has been fixed. Credit for this goes out to @melodicaxe and @Superola for reporting it to me on Discord.





    • If a user typed /np and did not have permissions, it would generate an error on the console and let the user know an internal error occurred. This has been resolved, though it does not give any result as to the command. Credit for this goes out to @melodicaxe for reporting it to me on the discussion board.
    • If a user attacks another user (PVP) and you had a region set use NP-MONITORS-PVP and NP-REGIONGUARD it wouldn't register that the PVP actions happened. Thus no bounty or warnings. This has been resolved. Credit to @melodicaxe for reporting this one to me as well.





    • np-noarrest was only working when an NPC attacked a player. Worthless really, but it was partially there. Now it functions when a player hits an NPC as well.
    • np-regionguard worked, but there were some message errors behind the scenes that would break it. See if this works now. Set it on a region and that region will become the guard without any NPC's around.
    • Credit goes to @Superola for this update. He has been requesting me to fix the flags for a while, and today I made some time for that. Huge thanks to him for poking, prodding and overall keeping in-touch with me to get this done.




Major issue with WorldGuard and the "__GLOBAL__" region.

  • If you did not have any custom flags inside the region, worldguard would return a null, thus causing issues. Took a bit to figure this out, but it's been resolved in this release. Huge thanks to all the people posting error logs for me.

The jail config commands were not letting you know that you were not in a jail location. So sometimes you would not get notice of that. This has been fixed. This was reported several times by many people so thanks to all the users in general for this one.




MC versions less than 1.9.2 would produce errors on damage. This was due to checking for splash potion damage. Thanks to CaptainDan on Discord for letting me know.

