API Events - Nutty101/NPC-Police GitHub Wiki

BountyChangedEvent is a class that gets passed upon a users bounty level being changed

  • Author: Sir_Nutty (Bruce Johnson)
  • Since: 2.1.1

public Player getPlayer()

This method provides access get the player the event was rasied for.

  • Returns: Player returns the player who triggered this event

  • Since: 2.1.1

public double getBounty()

This method provides access get the amount of bounty changed

  • Returns: Double returns the amount of bounty modified

  • Since: 2.1.1

public JAILED_BOUNTY getBountyReason()

This method returns the reason for the bounty change.

  • Returns: JAILED_BOUNTY Enum flag that defines the bounty change reason

  • Since: 2.1.1

public PlayerManager getPlayerManager()

This method returns the the players PlayerManager for further interaction

  • Returns: PlayerManager An object that allows interaction with the triggering player

  • Since: 2.1.1

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