MVP List - Numie/FoodDotCom GitHub Wiki
1. Hosting on Heroku
2. Production Readme
3. User Auth
- Sign up
- Log in/out
- Demo login
4. Restaurants
- Search for restaurants by location
- Index page of restaurants that match search
- Show page that includes restaurant info
5. Menus
- Menu items
- Quantity toggle
- Optional instructions
6. Orders
- Order creation
- Optional tip and special instructions
7. Reviews
- Review creation after ordering from a restaurant
- Ratings
- Review listings on restaurant show pages
8. Menu Item Options
- Options sections
- Mandatory options
- Optional options
9. Restaurant Search Filters
- Restaurant searches filtered by:
- Deliver/Pickup options
- Rating
- Price
10. User Profiles
- User show page
- Name, email and password editing
- Order history
- Saved restaurants