sample state - Numbericons/LairBnB GitHub Wiki

   entities: {
      users: {
         1: {
            id: 1,
            username: 'Dominic',
            email: '[email protected]',
      lairs: {
         5: {
            id: 5,
            name: "Dr. Evil's Lair",
            type: "island"
      bookings: {
         3: {
            id: 3,
            num_guests: 2,
            lair_id: 5,
            guest_id: 1
      reviews: {
         11: {
            id: 11,
            body: 'great view overlooking the ocean',
            guest_id: 1
   session: { currentUserId: 1 }
   errors: {
      login: { email: "Email is required", password: "Password is required" },
      bookingForm: { num_guests: "Number of guests cannot be blank" }
   ui: {
      modal: string,