Skulls & Bones - Nullcaller/RealisticDrops GitHub Wiki
Skulls and bones now drop from every single mob. But they differ in how they drop.
Values written in italic are configurable.
Bones drop from every mob. For each 5 HP of the mob's max health, one bone is dropped. That base drop amount is multiplied by 1+<tool's looting level>. A minimum of 1 bone is always dropped.
Here are some examples:
- Chicken, rabbits, sheep and wolves, parrots and bats drop 1 bone
- Cows, pigs, squids and ocelots drop 2 bones
- Donkeys and horses drop 3 bones
- Villagers, mules and llamas drop 4 bones
That is, of course, if you're using the default configuration.
Skulls are dropped from every mob with a certain chance. The base chance is 5% multiplied by 1+<tool's looting level>. For each 1HP of the mob's max health, 4% are added. No more than 1 skull is dropped from 1 mob.
Thus, you'll always get a skull from a villager with a tool that has a looting level of three. That is, of course, if you're using the default configuration.
You can make any item drop with skulls & bones from every mob. They can be either skull-like or bone-like in how they drop. To make an item drop from every mob, just place its id in the appropriate list in mod's config file.
As an example, if you're playing with Thaumcraft, you may want to add brains as a skull-like drop.