How to get started - NukeOSS/nukeoss GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the NukeOSS wiki!

Thank You for contributing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Contributing to open source projects is a good way to get yourself skilled up.

How to use:


  2. How to deploy it in private firebase project

    1. Download the local copy of repository.
    2. Configure firebase public/script/firebaseScript.js ---> firebaseConfig
    3. Download firebase cli
    4. Go To functions:
    5. Run commands:
      1. npm install firebase-functions@latest firebase-admin@latest --save
      2. npm install -g firebase-tools
      3. npm install cors
      4. firebase init
      5. Select all the options and please do not overwrite any file rather you can skip wherever it's needed to overwrite.
    6. Go back to Home and run : firebase deploy
    7. Open the link and you are ready to go.

How to Contribute:

  1. Make fork of the repository

  2. Clone your fork: git clone <your repository ssh>

  3. Create a branch: git branch <your branch name>

  4. Checkout branch: git checkout <your branch name>

  5. Make Changes

  6. Add Changes: git add <filepath/filename>

  7. Commit Changes: git commit -option

  8. Push your Changes: git Push -option

  9. Raise a pull request to Upstream Master branch

Note: Please add upstream to your fork remote

For any queries, Please contact our team.