Generating LArCV data samples for ICARUS - NuSLAC/ICARUSCookbook GitHub Wiki

0. Connect to the ICARUS machine

  1. kinit [email protected]
  2. ssh [email protected]

icarusbuild01 is a physical server with real local space in /scratch unlike all other machines used by the collaboration icarusgpvm0X where X = 1..N. On these machines people use /icarus/data and /icarus/app but the space is small and you can crush the filesystem. We will be using /scratch on icarusbuild01 machine.

1. Setup your workspace

  1. Create a space under /scratch/icarus/xxx

  2. Copy setup scripts: scp -r /scratch/icarus/ldomine/setup /scratch/icarus/xxx/

  3. Modify setup/ script: EDITOR and MY_LARSOFT_VERSION to latest

  4. cd /scratch/icarus/xxx && source setup/ will create a directory mrbdev_vxx_xx_xx depending on your larsoft version.

Any time you connect to the machine, begin with source /scratch/icarus/xxx/setup/

2. Setup icaruscode

  1. cd mrbdev_vXX_XX_XX
  2. mrbsetenv
  3. mrb g icaruscode
  4. Edit srcs/icaruscode/ups/product_deps to get the right versions of products (according to ups active)

3. Setup Supera

  1. cd srcs/icaruscode/icaruscode
  2. git clone
  3. Edit CMakeLists in this directory, add add_subdirectory(Supera) at the end
  4. cd Supera && git checkout icarus && sh icarus
  5. Create CMakeLists.txt inside job/ and put one line install_fhicl() inside

Try building with mrb i -j12

4. Setup larcv2

  1. cd $MRB_TOP/srcs && git clone
  2. cd larcv2 && git checkout develop && source && make -j4

Then we need to manually copy larcv libraries to the localProducts directory:

scp build/lib/* $MRB_TOP/localProducts_larsoft_vXX_XX_XX_e17_prof/icaruscode/vXX_XX_XX/

5. Build

Any time you build, make sure you have sourced the larcv2/ and sh icarus in Supera folder.

  1. mrb i -j12 to build everything

Note: mrb z will clean out the build.

6. Launch jobs

PNFS (dcache disk storage) is exposed and recommended to use for grid jobs. This is where we should put our code in a tarball, and where the logs/output will be created. It is much bigger than /icarus/data. Regular UNIX command like mkdir work but you should learn to use ifdh commands.

Avoid using <tab> completion and ls command on PNFS, it can hammer the filesystem.

The tarball will be copied to the worker node. /pnfs/icarus/scratch are subject to auto-cleanup for files that haven't been touched in a long time. There is also /pnfs/icarus/permanent but not recommended (space is limited and shared by everyone, you easily forget to remove files).

  1. Create your directories on PNFS filesystem if needed: mkdir /pnfs/icarus/scratch/users/xxx && mkdir /pnfs/icarus/scratch/users/xxx/tars
  2. Go back to mrb: cd $MRB_TOP and copy other useful scripts:
    • scp -r /scratch/icarus/ldomine/v08_30_01/ $MRB_TOP/
    • scp -r /scratch/icarus/ldomine/v08_30_01/ $MRB_TOP/
    • scp -r /scratch/icarus/ldomine/v08_30_01/v08_30_01.xml $MRB_TOP/
  3. Make tar with all code and put it on PNFS filesystem: sh -d localProducts_larsoft_vXX_XX_XX_e17_prof/ /pnfs/icarus/scratch/users/xxx/tars/vXX_XX_XX.tar
  4. Edit the XML file $MRB_TOP/vXX_XX_XX.xml to define your jobs/xml file/output name etc.
  5. Submit jobs: --xml vXX_XX_XX.xml --stage larcv --submit Monitor jobs: jobsub_q --user=xxx Cancel jobs: jobsub_rm --job-id=XXXXX or --user=xxx

7. Fetch data

  1. Once the jobs are done, make symbolic links and eliminate bad output files: python vXX_XX_XX.xml
  2. Download @ local/slac machine: rsync -e ssh -r -L --update --progress -v [email protected]:/icarus/data/users/xxx/dl_production_symlink_v01/mpv_mpr_YOURNAME ./
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