Users Authorisation - NottingHack/hms2 GitHub Wiki
Permission are handled by the laravel-doctrine/acl package as part of of our use of laravel-doctrine
for the database ORM
Permission and some built-in Roles are defined in the config/roles.php
Roles have assigned Permission
Users have assigned Roles
We check that a User has a Permission, we never[1] check that they have a role.
Roles are split into groups as described below.
[1] OK members.* roles are check for during the automatic audit.
Permission are basically just strings and are what we refer and check in code.
Most are hard coded in the roles.php
but some are automatically generated by HMS (tools)
Some example persmission
There are many ways and time to check for permissions
With a user model
With the current logged in user
As a route Middleware
This we tend to do in the constructor of Controllers either against all methods or some.
public function __construct()
$this->middleware('can:box.view.self')->only(['index', 'show']);
$this->middleware('')->only(['create', 'store']);
$this->middleware('can:box.edit.self')->only(['markInUse', 'markAbandoned', 'markRemoved']);
$this->middleware(['can:box.printLabel.self', 'feature:label_printer'])->only(['printLabel']);
In a blade view @can('box.edit.self')
Within HMS Roles are split into four groups
These roles are used to represent the state of Member. These roles are exclusive and a Member will only have one of them at a time.
Assigned when a user first registers and their details are awaiting review by someone from the Membership Team -
Members are transitioned to this once their details are approved and stay at this role until their first payment is reconciled -
This is the main roles all paying members will have. -
Members who stop their monthly payment are transitioned to this role. If they start paying again they are transations back to themember.current
Transitions between the above four roles are handled automatically by HMS's membership audit process that runs each weekday at 23:55
are roles which the Trustees can manually transition a member too. They can also be transitioned away from an the correctcurrent
role will be applied.
These roles represent the Teams that we have at Nottingham Hackspace that members can join if they wish to help out in the relevant area.
There are four built in team roles that HMS automatically creates (see roles.php
) and these are needed for HMS to function as they are hardcoded destinations for notifications.
Other teams can be freely created by the Trustees as needed and they can or remove Members from the Teams as needed.
All team.
roles are stripped when a Member transitions to the Ex Member state.
These roles are automatically generated when Tools are added into HMS, there are three for each tool. They represent the level of access a member may have for a restricted tool.
and .indutor
roles are granted and revooked in HMS by the Trustee at the request of the Team responsible for the tool.
The .user
role is given to a member when they are inducted on the Tool and there inductor registers there card at the nh-tool reader.
A .user
role is retained when a Member transitions to the Ex Member state but all others are striped.
Currently there are three special user.
This the power user role with all the permissions. Only few have such power. -
This role is automatically applied and removed to give a Member Building access when the Access State is not Fully Open -
This is a role for non member users that need 24/7 building access, like landlords and cleaners.
All user.
roles are stripped when a Member transitions to the Ex Member state.