Roadmap Index - NottingHack/hms2 GitHub Wiki
The roadmap is mostly defined in GitHub issues and milestones, with the following rough order taking us to feature parity with HMS version 1.
Additional features are not yet tracked.
The base system is what everything else will hang off. This includes the development environment, Kerberos authentication, permission system, etc.
A general plan for testing, along with the required tools for the development environment. This milestone currently also includes the setting up of a CI server.
This includes the member registration flow and member profiles. Also included in this milestone is basic member administration - search and view.
An updated home page, as well as Links, Access Codes and Credits. This will also include the frontend and code definition to make adding pages in the future easy.
Allows members to reactivate their PIN and manage their RFID cards
Allow a member to view their balance and transactions
Booking of tools, including calendar view and induction/maintainer bookings.
These two very similar system allow members to manage their boxes and projects, including printing labels for them.
Not much idea! @dpslwk will define this