6. Active User Stories - Notabela/Camper-Plus GitHub Wiki


  • As a camp administrator, I want to be able to add campers (i.e. add to database) so that I can keep track of each individual camper

  • As a camp administrator, I want to be able to add parents (i.e to the database) so that they can enroll their kids at camp

  • As a camp administrator, I want to be able to create groups and add campers to the groups (i.e in a database) so that I can easily organize the campers

  • As a camp administrator, I want to be able to see all my camp groups and the events scheduled for each camp group so that I can notify counselor of what their group will be doing for the day

  • As a camp administrator, I want to be able to schedule tasks/activities for a specific camp group so that I can track each groups daily/weekly and monthly activities

  • As a camp administrator, I want to be able to delete tasks/activites I scheduled so I can keep the schedule clean of uneeded activities

  • As a camp administrator, I want to be able to modify tasks/events I scheduled in case there is a change so I can keep the schedule up to date always


  • As a parent, I want to be able to enroll my children so they can be admitted to camp

  • As a parent, I want to be able to see and edit my enrolled children to the camp year so I can know who I already enrolled to camp, who is still pending admission etc.

  • As a parent, I want to be able to see a schedule of the activities my children are involved in at camp so I can be more informed as to what they are doing at camp

  • As a camp administrator, I want to be able to modify the information of enrolled campers in order to keep campers information up to date

  • As a camp administrator, I want to be able to delete campers from the database so I can keep my pages free of clutter

  • As a camp administrator, I want to be able to modify the information of added parents in order to keep parent's information up to date

  • As a camp administrator, I want to be able to delete Parents from the database so I can keep my pages free of unneeded clutter

  • As a camp administrator, I want to be able to modify a group's information so I can keep the groups up to date

  • As a camp administrator, I want to be able to see only events for a specific group/groups on the event calendar so I can easily read the data on the calendar without too much clutter

  • As a camp administrator I want to be able to automatically create nametags for campers to lower the amount of work I need to do.