Installing & Using Trinity Creator - NotCoffee418/TrinityCreator GitHub Wiki


  1. Navigate to the Releases page.
  2. Underneath the latest release, click on TrinityCreatorSetup.msi.
  3. Run it and follow the installer instructions.
  4. Open Trinity Creator through the installer or the Windows start menu.


Select a profile (required)

When first opening the application you will see a "Profile Selection" window.
Choose the profile that matches your emulator and game version and click the Activate button next to it.

Database Configuration (recommended)

If you wish to export your creations directly to the database rather than to SQL files, you should complete this step before continuing. Additionally, configuring your database will allow you to use the Lookup Tool, making it much easier to find display IDs for your creations. Along with other benefits.

  1. In the top menu bar, click Config > Configure MySQL.
  2. Enter your database information and click "Save connection info".

Note: You can find this information in your world config file included with your emulator.
Depending on the emulator this file can have different names, including: world.conf, mangosd.conf, worldserver.conf.

You can then open this file in notepad and look for the section that contains the world database connection info.
In my case it looks like this:
WorldDatabase.Info = ";3306;root;root;mangos"

It's a ; seperated list of 5 values and they should be pasted in the application as follows:

  • MySQL Host
  • MySQL Port
  • User
  • Password
  • World Database

Please make sure that you copy the correct information for the World database, and not the login or characters database.

  1. Click Save connection info.
  2. If the you get a "Connection test successful" message, you can click Close Window.
    If the connection fails, see Troubleshooting at the bottom of this page.

DBC Configuration (optional)

WARNING: Only do this if you're creating for a 3.3.5a emulator. The application will fail to read DBC files from other game versions. Configuring this feature is only used by the Lookup Tool to find factions, titles, zone IDs and other minor things.

  1. In the top menu bar, click Config > Configure DBC Path.
  2. Click the Select button and select your DBC folder. Your DBC folder can be found in somewhere in your emulator folder since no emulator will run without it.
    If you're compiling a fresh emulator, follow the installation instructions for your emulator before configuring DBC for Trinity Creator.
  3. Click Save and close the window.


You can now start using the tool to create items, quests, creatures and more by selecting the approperiate tool in the tab selector at the top.

Entry ID
It's important that each creation have a unique entry ID. This can be defined on the right side above the Export buttons.
It's recommended to start your custom creations far above the blizzard ID's. I like to start at 500000.

Display ID
Each item, creature and gameobject you create must have a valid Display ID.
You can use the Find button next to the Display ID field to find an item or creature you'd like to clone the appearance of. If you want to create a wolf, you can search for wolf, and write out the number under modelid1 in your display ID field.

Creation Tools

More detailed documentation for each creator will be added at a later time.



These are some common error people have received when configuring MySQL.

Authentication to host 'x' for user 'x' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed
This usually means you entered the wrong username, password or world database name
Please make sure there are no typos and that you're using the correct login information as described in the instructions above.

It can also mean that you're connecting to a remote MySQL server but the MySQL account your server administrator gave you is only configured to run locally or has insufficient permissions remote access to the world database.

Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts. This usually means the MySQL server is not running.
Turn on your MySQL server as instructed by your emulator or repack distributor.