Getting Started - Nosp1/Dnd GitHub Wiki
To Contribute or otherwise use this software follow the steps below:
1. Install Java
StoryTeller requires java to be installed in order to run it. If you do not have Java installed, download it here
2. Git Bash
We have used Git for Version control and you will need to install that to download the project. Install Git Bash, see how here. for Mac and for Windows 10 here.
3. Cloning the repository:
Open Terminal For Mac: press cmd + space and search for terminal then press enter. A small window should open.
For Windows: After installing git bash you can right click on your Desktop and press Git Bash here, or press the start button followed by search, and search for git bash.
Create or go to the desired folder where you want the program to be stored locally. For example, C/programfiles/here
Navigate with cmd (on mac) or git bash shell on Windows to the desired directory.
In console type cd to change the directory: for example cd go/src/
Note that you can use Tab: to auto-complete sentences for easier navigation using git.
In the desired directory type: git clone To clone this repository.
You should now have all the files.
(Optional) Gitkraken
If you are unfamiliar with how to use git, we can suggest using Gitkraken, after you have installed git for a more visual version-control tool.
To run the program
Now that you have all the files:
Navigate to the folder /Dnd/Compiled Program/Production/psychic-couscous/
In that folder, you should find a Main.class file.
Type: java Main in the terminal window to run it.
Your Terminal should now run the character creator.
To contribute
Check out our how-to contribute page or click here, if you are interested in how you can contribute.