Contributions guide - Nosp1/Dnd GitHub Wiki

Thank you for considering contributing to StoryTeller. To better aid you in aiding us, we´ve set up this guide for you to follow so that you can get insight into how our development process works and we can more easily implement the features or ideas you have.

Custom Content

If you wish to contribute with custom content: E.g., new roles (classes), races or backgrounds you can send us an email to this address: [email protected] with this format:

Subject: StoryTeller; new Feature


Containing a brief explanation of your custom content

Type of content: Is it a race, role or background?

Name of the content type (Race name:, role name: Background name:)

Features of the content

  1. Stats it increases: if any
  2. Languages it adds: if any
  3. Age limit: if any
  4. Skills it gives proficiency in: if any
  5. Tools it has: if any
  6. The equipment it gives: if any

Code contributions

Before you can contribute be sure to have all the necessary tools.

Fork and Clone

First fork the repository and type: git clone in the terminal window. Open the files in a suitable IDE of your choice and look around.

Familiarize yourself with the content

It´s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the files provided to ensure that you are not doing duplicate work. If you find a part of the software lacking, check whether an issue is already posted regarding this issue before posting your own.


If a particular issue interests you, consider assigning yourself to the issue, check out current issues here.

When posting an issue of your own provide an accurate description of the issue and describe the problem in detail.

Adding content

We greatly appreciate any contributions. If you want to add a feature to the software:

  1. fork the repository
  2. clone our repository with git clone
  3. create an upstream remote to your fork by typing git remote add <name of remote> <https://github./yourstuffhere/Dnd.get>
  4. Implement new features or fix issues and push them upstream to your fork with a descriptive commit message.
  5. Issue a pull request with detailed commentary about the changes or new features.
  6. We will then review your additions and release the newly added content or changes with our next version.