Getting Started - Nordes/HoNoSoFt.DotNet.Web.Spa.ProjectTemplates GitHub Wiki
How do I install the template
To install the new template, you have a few choice. The most common (not behind a firewall or proxy) is going to simply be like what is described on the Readme of this repository, which is dotnet new -i HoNoSoFt.DotNet.Web.Spa.ProjectTemplates
In case you are having issue with the dotnet new -i
. For example, you're not able to download? Then the easy solution is simply to go on and download the package (right side of the screen, under download package). Once you saved the package, go in the downloaded folder and then type dotnet new -i the-name-under-what-you-saved.nupkg
The Visual Studio 2015+ (2017, etc.), does not use the dotnet new in order to propose you the template when doing "new Project". The best approach is to create your folder manually and then do a
dotnet new vuejs-picnic
You want to create your project?
Simply do dotnet new vuejs-picnic
and then it will auto-populate your project based on your current folder name. If you want to have a different name, please use the normal cli help in order to add your parameter(s).
It is created, how do we start that thing?
Also simple, you have simply to type dotnet run
and it will start. If you are working more on the API's change, then I would suggest to do dotnet watch run
. However, if you work on the vue files, it is better to simply use the normal dotnet run
since the webpack is doing hot-reload and inject your changes in real-time.
In case it does not want to start, please ensure you have NodeJs (latest) and/or read the error message. You can also do a npm install, in case it failed to install the node_modules.
It seems to start, but nothing shows up?
It can happen, especially on the first run. Please, simply wait, and wait for webpack & babel to compile and push the file into the wwwroot folder.
How to change my title?
The title is currently set within ClientApp/index.html file. Please, be careful with that file. Some part of it gets generated, or if you prefer, injected. This is the case for the JS and most of the CSS.
If you want to make your title more dynamic, then use JavaScript or look into the Vue-Router Github. Here's a link to that case (Generic title based on the vue-router title).
What's next?
Play around