Feature within (tracking ...) - Nordes/HoNoSoFt.DotNet.Web.Spa.ProjectTemplates GitHub Wiki
What's inside
- Picnic CSS (https://picnicss.com/)
- SASS, for style in a more elegant way
- VueJs (To build the components/UI)
- Vue-Router (For the SPA)
- WebPack (To pack/hot-reload)
- Babel
- Environments
- Development
- Production
- WebPack / Add a better management of external js/css as a plugins.....js
- Implement the default page style
- Set the nav menu
- Put some content in the pages (SPA template stuff)
- [o] About page should contains something
- Add some api calls for the .Net WebApi stuff.
- Create a real endpoint with some kind of values. (Like the aspnet demo)
- Rename the folder/app to some sort of template name.
- Make a reload/production build
- Add logo within the template (I think it is feasible, see ms doc).
- Put this on github
- [o] Automate the build / CI
- [o] Add ts/x support. /optional/ (See example: https://github.com/aspnet/JavaScriptServices/blob/master/samples/misc/Webpack/webpack.config.js)
- [o] Add tslint/jslint
- Change the folder structure to look like a template for visual studio.
- Add the template in the nuget gallery
- [o] Add the template in the visual studio gallery (vsix?) ( maybe do https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/misc/how-to-manually-package-an-extension-vsix-deployment?view=vs-2015 )
- Add a favicon
- Add the picnic css library part of vue
- Compile the picnic css (SASS) with some custom alteration (file).
- Use of the min css instead for now. I don't think we need to use the sass.
- [o] Promote the stuff... who knows ;)
- Add Vuex for state management
- Add some badges
JQuery is not part of this, we want to avoid such a big library. I think most of the work can be done without it.
Page filling
- Keep register/login for the last part.
Idea of improvement
- Make a template with authentication
- Make it with authentication? (Google?/O365?)
- Create a template for SignalR integration (Should I)
- Extra reading (template) : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tutorials/create-custom-template