Meeting Minutes - NomaanAhmed/Signal-Android GitHub Wiki

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Sprint 1

Sprint 2 (Release 1)

Sprint 1

Due January 25th

Monday, January 14th

First meeting with our Teaching Assistant, An Ran Chen. Determined goals for Sprint 1:

  • Setting up of Android Studio as each team member's Integrated Development Environment.
    • Each member should successfully have run Signal at least once on their station using the IDE's built in emulator.
  • Addition of Signal's architecture documentation, including diagrams, to this repository's Wiki.
  • Begin setup of TravisCI as the project's Continuous Integration service.
  • Determination of goals for Sprint 2.
    • Per recommendation of Mr. Chen, an initial high amount of tasks should be planned for Sprint 2, with the possibility of simply pushing tasks back to later Sprints should time become an issue.
    • The sample project repository provided to the team is a good source of inspiration for possible tasks.

Further meetings with Mr. Chen were set up on a weekly basis on Mondays, at 4 p.m., followed by a team scrum to determine the plan of action for the week to come.

Monday, January 21st

Second meeting with Mr. Chen, who mentioned a few improvements to be done to the team's repository:

  • Make the repository private;
  • Add features using stories, including their story point values, which were planned to be clarified after the meeting.
  • Ensure that issues fit the format used in the sample project repository.
  • Contact Mr. Chen on Friday about Sprint 2's planned workload, and confirm that TravisCI has run some existing tests on the Signal repository.
  • Divide issues clearly and equally amongst the team members, without assigning more than 2 members to a given issue. Should an issue warrant more resources, it should be split into multiple issues. However, tasks with a story point value lower than 1 should never be split.
  • Begin development as soon as possible.
  • Monday meetings with Mr. Chen should include a demonstration of a feature that was worked on the previous week.
  • Release 1 should include a simple test of a feature; if possible, one developed by the team.
  • Each team member should have a variety of task types, including within a single sprint.

The work done by the team so far, i.e. issues #1 and #2, were presented to Mr. Chen.

After Mr. Chen left, the team used planning poker in order to plan the following tasks, and assigning them these Fibonacci numbers :

  • Formatting using markdown - 5.
  • Ability to send stickers - 5.
  • Topic profiles, allowing the user to group their conversations at their convenience - 8.
  • Chat backgrounds - 5.
  • Ability to "favorite" conversations, keeping them at the top of the conversation list - 3.
  • "Starring" messages locally, allowing users to quickly access important messages they've sent or received - 3.
  • Display amount of participants in group conversation - 2.
  • Locally mark conversations as unread - 3.
  • Toggle displaying of unread conversations at the top of the conversation list, rather than strictly chronologically - 3.
  • Delete conversations with a right-swipe.

Reacting to messages with emojis, and the ability to hide some of one's messaging profiles, using passwords or biometrics, were all pushed to later iterations. Furthermore, the ability to send a message that would disappear from both user's systems was brainstormed, but quickly dropped due to security concerns.

Sprint 2 (Release 1)

Due February 8th