Building the Project in Android Studio - NomaanAhmed/Signal-Android GitHub Wiki

Some people were getting an error when trying to build the project for the first time. Here are the steps to building to avoid the error.

  1. Reset your branch. We're starting from scratch (
  2. If Android studio prompts you to change your gradle build or whatever to 3.3, DO NOT DO IT (if you did, your build.gradle will deviate from the branch. We don't want that.
  3. Locate your ndk directory. You can find it in your project structure under files, or my reading the in your root
  4. Navigate to the ndk directory from step 3. Navigate into toolchains. You'll notice it's missing 'mips64el-linux-android'. This is what was causing the error and prompting us to update gradle.
  5. We are going to download mips64el-linux-android-4.9 from a previous NDK
  6. Go to and download version 16
  7. Go into the toolchains folder, copy mips64el-linux-android-4.9 AND mipsel-linux-android-4.9
  8. Paste them into your NDK directory from step 3
  9. BUILD
  • I recommend you git status often as you do this to make sure no changes are made to the repo.
  • If you don't have a toolchains folder in your sdk folder, dropping the toolchains folder from the step 6 link into the SDK folder works just fine