SpecFlow configuration - Noksa/Allure.NUnit GitHub Wiki

SpecFlow base configuration


Do not forget to create the specflow.json file in the project if it was not created automatically, and set the Copy to Output Directory to Copy if newer for this file.

File content:

  "stepAssemblies": [
      "assembly": "Allure.SpecFlowPlugin"

More info here.

About configuration

If you use SpecFlow3 Allure Adaptor, you need to add a specflow block to the config file.

SpecFlow section example:

 "specflow": {
    "stepArguments": {
      "convertToParameters": "true",
      "paramNameRegex": "^a.*",
      "paramValueRegex": "^v.*"
    "grouping": {
      "suites": {
        "parentSuite": "^(ui|api)",
        "suite": "^(core|sales|aux)",
        "subSuite": "^(create|update|delete)"
      "behaviors": {
        "epic": "^epic:?(.+)",
        "story": "^story:?(.+)"
      "packages": {
        "package": "^package:?(.+)",
        "testClass": "^class:?(.+)",
        "testMethod": "^method:?(.+)"
    "labels": {
      "owner": "^owner:?(.+)",
      "severity": "^(normal|blocker|critical|minor|trivial)"
    "links": {
      "link": "^link:(.+)",
      "issue": "^issue:(.+)",
      "tms": "^tms:(.+)"