Hide or Remove test cases parameters in report - Noksa/Allure.NUnit GitHub Wiki

Hide or Remove test-cases parameters in the report

Hide params

It is not always appropriate to show the value of all parameters in the report (for example, passwords).
So you can use the attribute [AllureHideParams] relative to the test method, which takes as input the parameter numbers separated by commas, which should be hidden.


public void LoginToApp(string login, string password)
        // some code here

In this case, password parameter will be hidden in the report:

alt text

You can specify which parameters should be hidden, by using comma.


[AllureHideParams(1, 2)]
public void LoginToApp(string login, string password)
        Pages.GetPage<AuthorizationPage>().LoginToApp(login, password);

In this case, login and password parameters will be hidden in the report:

alt text

Remove params

If you want to delete parameter(s), use the attribute [AllureRemoveParams], as well as [AllureHideParam].


public void LoginToApp(string login, string password)
        Pages.GetPage<AuthorizationPage>().LoginToApp(login, password);

In this case, the password parameter will not be displayed in the report:

alt text

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