AllureConfig description - Noksa/Allure.NUnit GitHub Wiki

AllureConfig description

  • - The directory where the files for building the report will be stored. You can specify using the disk.
  • allure.allowEmptySuites - When true, and the error occured in the [OneTimeSetUp], then all the non-run tests from test fixture will be displayed in report with an specified error.
  • allure.enableParameters - When true, then the parameters of the test-cases and test fixtures will be displayed in report
    If you want to hide or delete some test-case parameters, look here.
  • allure.allowLocalHistoryTrend - Optional. When true, then the trend history will be displayed in report. Use this only if you run tests locally, in IDE for example. When tests runs at the CI server, this setting should be false.
  • allure.cleanResultDirectory - Optional. When false, then will not be cleaned before each run.
  • categories - Information about categories can be found here.
  • allure.links - Information about links templates can be found here.
  • environment - Information about environment can be found here.
  • specflow - This block is needed only if you use SpecFlow3 Allure Adaptor. More information about specflow configuration can be found here.

    Config example:
  "allure": {
    "directory": "allure-results",
    "allowEmptySuites": true,
    "enableParameters": true,
    "cleanResultDirectory": true,
    "allowLocalHistoryTrend": false,
    "links": [

  "categories": [
      "name": "Problems with locators",
      "traceRegex": ".*NoSuchElementException.*"
      "name": "Problems with DOM",
      "traceRegex": ".*StaleElementReferenceException.*"
      "name": "Problems with timeout",
      "messageRegex": ".*Timed out.*",
      "traceRegex": ".*"
      "name": "Broken tests",
      "matchedStatuses": ["broken"]
      "name": "Ignored tests",
      "matchedStatuses": ["skipped"]
      "name": "Defected tests",
      "matchedStatuses": ["failed"]
      "name": "Passed tests",
      "matchedStatuses": ["passed"]

  "environment": {
    "TestVariable": "This is value of test variable. Remove it from allureConfig.json",
    "runtime": [
        "OS": "System.Environment.OS",
        "AllureVersion": "Allure.Commons.AllureLifecycle.AllureVersion"

 "specflow": {
    "stepArguments": {
      "convertToParameters": "true",
      "paramNameRegex": "^a.*",
      "paramValueRegex": "^v.*"
    "grouping": {
      "suites": {
        "parentSuite": "^(ui|api)",
        "suite": "^(core|sales|aux)",
        "subSuite": "^(create|update|delete)"
      "behaviors": {
        "epic": "^epic:?(.+)",
        "story": "^story:?(.+)"
      "packages": {
        "package": "^package:?(.+)",
        "testClass": "^class:?(.+)",
        "testMethod": "^method:?(.+)"
    "labels": {
      "owner": "^owner:?(.+)",
      "severity": "^(normal|blocker|critical|minor|trivial)"
    "links": {
      "link": "^link:(.+)",
      "issue": "^issue:(.+)",
      "tms": "^tms:(.+)"
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