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The library uses the nodes of the Tron network to connect, retrieve information and perform actions using the GRPC protocol.

The class TronNode excapsulates a node address as the combination of its host and port.

TronNode node = new TronNode("node_ip:port");

View javadoc: TronNode


Tron currency is commonly expressed as TRX, but 1 TRX = 1000000 SUN. To make this conversion, the library uses the class Troncurrency

TronCurrency amount1 = TronCurrency.trx(100); // 100 TRX
TronCurrency amount2 = TronCurrency.sun(100000000); // 100,000,000 SUN

amount1.getTRX() == ampount2.getTRX();
amount1.getSUN() == amount2.getSUN();

View javadoc: TronCurrency


Transactions and blocks have hexadecimal identifiers. The library uses the class HashIdentifier to encapsulate them.

// Identifier from Hex string
HashIdentifier id1 = new HashIdentifier("9a4fd83d2e7cf0fc68b85f3f62b28fe126db6c7660862302180421538c89778");

// Identifier from byte array
byte[] bytes = {0x00, ...};
HashIdentifier id2 = new HashIdentifier(bytes);

View javadoc: HashIdentifier


Tron addresses start with 41 in hexadecimal and is expressed commonly as Base-58 check format. The library uses the class TronAddress to encapsulate them.

// Address from string
TronAddress addr = new TronAddress("TFA1qpUkQ1yBDw4pgZKx25wEZAqkjGoZo1");

// Address from byte array
byte[] bytes = {0x00, ...};
TronAddress addr2 = new TronAddress(bytes);

View javadoc: TronAddress


Wallets are encrypted private keys. the library uses TronWallet to encapsulate them. They are required to perfrom transactions.

// Create a new wallet
TronWallet wallet1 = new TronWallet(); 

// Write the wallet to a file.
wallet1.writeToFile(new File("my_wallet.json"), "my_password");

// Load a wallet from a file
TronWallet wallet2 = new TronWallet(new File("my_wallet.json"), "my_password");

// Extract private key
TronPrivateKey key = wallet2.getPrivateKey();

// Create a new wallet from a private key
TronWallet wallet3 = new TronWallet(key);

View javadoc: TronPrivateKey, TronWallet