Week 4: Final Week of the Project - Nocookieleft/Jump-r-Drop GitHub Wiki
new this week: buttons now also respond to touch of the user (not only their labels)
###Working on: getting platforms to populate the screen more randomly and link a small platform to either side of the screen (to the left of the bigger platform or to the right of the bigger platform)
###To do:
###Finished: code review with Elias.
###Working on: jump function of the avatar. currently not working as planned. trying out some other approaches to the movement of the avatar:
- tested a way to make the avatar jump through the platforms if its upward movement was fast enough
- working on movement with and without the use of physicsbody
- working on the population of the screen with platforms
###To do:
- finish worrying about the platforms generating and just make a carrot at the end of the populated screen to finish the game
- have a closer look on the way the avatar moves and updates, as this has changed a lot.
- delete all unnecessary code and add comments to the rest that do not sound like "shit didn't happen".
###Finished: making a carrot-image to work as a kind of finish line.
###Working on:
- the report.md that describes the process of the project and what decisions led to the the final product.
- updating the process book and closing some issues.
- crash-testing the code
- deleting other unnecessary code
###To do: finish the report.
Presenting the Game and handing in the report