Week 3: Project Jump 'r Drop - Nocookieleft/Jump-r-Drop GitHub Wiki

new this week: working with detecting collision in physicsbody. Learned the difference between collisionBitMask and contactTestBitMask. Contemplating on altering some physicsbodies according to the position of the avatar sprite node... Tresholds! We now have a treshold running through the middle of the screen



  • setting up different classes
  • rendering basics: player avatar, ground floor, some random platforms, background
  • frustrating over the player avatar's node deciding if the game is over and drawing a physicsbody around the lower edge of the screen in stead to flag if the player hits it

###Working on:

  • setting up a treshold --> on monday player was bumping into treshold, not the case anymore.
  • making it two tresholds! now we have an upper and lower treshold to start and stop the movement of the screen... just for fun
  • physicsbodies of player avatar and platforms
  • trying out other ways of movement for the player avatar
  • movement of the platforms -.-
  • generation of the platforms -.-

###To do:

  • get platformgenerator to generate better (ie not on time interval but on movement of avatar)
  • get the avatar to move around better... apparently one can use velocity of the physicsbody relating to the gravity sim


###Finished: setting up lower and higher tresholds with related physicsbody categories

###Working on: testing some physicsbody features like bounciness in 'restitution' trying to get the other platformgenerator to work. Somehow the platforms don't render on the screen and not in the sequence "platform-gap-platform" we'd like to see. Trying to get the coordinate systems to match each other... Also trying to tile the platform-sprites because the floor seems to be on the ground (as the player seems suspended in mid-air) but the floor doesn't render all the way

###To do: get the otherPlatformGenerator to work and generate platforms at the top of the screen. keep up with the amount of platforms that are on the screen and generate according to how many platforms are on the screen


###Finished: code review with Gracia. Learned something about Android Studio. Fixed the problem of the floating avatar: The platform-images didn't need to be tiled, but they were rendering offscreen.

###Working on: platforms platforms and more platforms, can't seem to figure out why the generation is not working the way it should. Trying to bind the platforms to the backgroundTest-node to keep track of the coordinate-system and children (although loading in the platforms in the platforms-array to also keep track of how many items are in play)

###To do: get a restart button and a pause screen


###Finished: making a pause button with a pause-image to pause the screen, responding to touch and taking into consideration where the user has touched the screen (as not to render the jump-function useless) making a floor-image to work for the sprite

###Working on: refine the workings of the paused game and pause-menu (the avatar not jumping when you pause the game or the gravity still having effect on the avatar)

###To do: get one of the two of the platform generators to work as preferred.