User stories - NoahNim/eventsonly GitHub Wiki



As the PM when I click the create event button, I am directed to a form to fill out that lets me put in an event name, an event image, a description of the event, and a date for the event. If I do not fill out the required fields correctly, I am given validation errors telling me what I have to do to create an event correctly.

  • When clicking the Create Event button the user is redirected to a Create Event form
  • If the form is filled out incorrectly they will be unable to create an event until they fix their validations errors
  • If the user gets validation errors those errors will be displayed at the top of the form as a list.
  • After filling out the form and clicking Create (after confirming there are no validation errors), the user is redirected to the event page displaying their event


As the PM when I either finish creating an event or if I click on an event, I am directed to that events page. I can see that the page displays an event photo, the events details, and any comments that event might have.

  • When the user has created an event they are redirected to their event
  • OR
  • When the user clicks an event in the event feed they are redirected to that events page
  • The page displays a photo (if applicable)
  • The page displays the event details
  • The page displays any comments made by users


As a PM when I click the edit event button on the page of an event I own, I am directed to a form to fill out that lets me edit the event name, edit the event image, edit description of the event, and edit the date for the event. If I do not fill out the required fields correctly, I am given validation errors telling me what I have to do to have a correct event edit.

  • There is an edit button if that event belongs to the user
  • When clicking the Edit Event button the user is redirected to a Edit Event form
  • If the form is filled out incorrectly they will be unable to edit an event until they fix their validations errors
  • If the user gets validation errors those errors will be displayed at the top of the form as a list.
  • After filling out the form and clicking Edit (after confirming there are no validation errors), the user is redirected to the event page displaying their event


As the PM when I am on the event page, if I click the delete event button then the event is deleted and I am redirected to the event listings page

  • There is a delete button on the event info page if that event belongs to the user
  • When the user clicks the delete button, the event is deleted



As the PM, when I click the Comment button I am given an input. I can type words into that input and when I click submit that comment appears on the page. If I do not fill out the comment input correctly I get a validation error.

  • There is a Comment button
  • When user clicks a comment an input is displayed
  • User can type into that input
  • If user tries to submit a comment that is empty or just 1 character they'll get a validation error
  • When user clicks the submit button their comment appears on the event page


As a PM, I can view both my comments and the comments of other users.

  • Comments by the user are viewable on the page
  • Comments by other users are viewable on the page


As a PM, when I click the edit comment button on comments I have created an input appears letting me edit my comment. Then after hitting the submit button, my edited comment replaces the original. If I try to submit the edited comment without putting in anything I get validation errors

  • Users can see an edit comment button for comments they own
  • When users click the edit button they are given an input that has the current comment string in it, that string is now editable
  • If user tries to submit a comment that is empty or just 1 character they'll get a validation error
  • When user clicks the submit button their edited comment appears on the event page, their old comment is no longer there


As a PM, when I click the delete comment button of a comment I own that comment is deleted.

  • User can see a delete comment button for comments they own
  • When the user clicks delete button they are asked to confirm
  • If they confirm they want to delete that comment, that comment no longer displays on the event page