Changelog - NoSubstitute/CB_Inventory GitHub Wiki

2021-02-03 Added extra column in sheet UpdateCBs, for notes or extra data. Will not be included when updating CBS.

Removed unnecessary columns in sheet DeprovisionCBs, as only serial and deprovision reason is relevant. Adjusted script accordingly.

Moved OS Version column to H in sheet Devices, so that data in column G (Most Recent Users) can easily be included when copying to sheet Dislocated. Adjusted script accordingly.

Added column G (Most Recent Users) in sheet Dislocated from which the userOU is extracted, instead of from E (User). Adjusted script accordingly.

Adjusted FindUserOUs script to log userOU to column B (Org Unit Path) in sheet Located, as the old OU is irrelevant. Also adjusted FindUserOUs to find and add the fullName of Most Recent Users and put that into AssetID in sheet Located.