Lab Assignment 1 - Niteesha97/CS551_team_labsassg GitHub Wiki
- To create a login and registration page using Social login by using any of the OAuth 2.0 Service from Social Networking Service Providers like (Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Twitter, Instagram, etc.).
- Next home page is created where his page is a Mashup page use any of the web services.Home page should display the user name and contain the logout button.
- Then about and contact pages are created where Link your GitHub lab assignment repository to an icon/image in the contact page.
- Create a repository by name "CS5551_teamname_labassignments"Create 2 (Source and Documentation) directories in local GitHub and push it to remoterepository.
- Create a board, 3 iterations, at least 5 tasksfor this lab assignment and show the analytics graph in zenhub.
- Draw the class diagram for school library system.
1. Login Page
In login code above consists of the CSS3 styles where it consists of different fonts for texts, background images and layouts, margins are kept.
2. Registration Page
Here in registration page code above consists of the CSS3 styles which gives the User interface design.
3. About Page
4. Contacts Page
1. Login and registration page
Here the login page is where the user give the username and password and then user logs in into the page whereas we can also login with facebook credentials of the user. If the user does not have the account then the user can register and open a new account.
2. About and Contact Pages
The about page above describes about the project details and the contact page consists of the team members information. Here in this contact page the image is linked to the github account where if the user clicks the image it directs to the github account directly.
- Created source and documentation folders under "CS551_team_labsassg " repository. The source codes are kept under source folder whereas the images and screenshots are kept under documentation folder.
Added partner as collaborater and Contribution and commits by each person are shown below:
Created 5 Issues in ZenHub:
Created 3 iterations and shown below are the burndown charts of them:
*Contributions done by the partners:
Niteesha : web application design and UI enhancements using html,CSS3 in increments 1 and 3
Divya: overall source code for homepage in increment 2 and creating of uml class diagram.