Specification Software requirements - Nir-Cohen/Bishvil GitHub Wiki

General Information

Project name:

  • Bishvil - For more information, please visit our homepage in the README file

Team Members:

  • You can go to our main wiki page and read more about the team members. Team Member

Change history:

Version Date Information
1 1.0.0 8.3.17 Starting version
2 1.0.1 10.3.17 Login and Registeration work
3 1.1.0 14.3.17 4 Components: Hosting Shabat, Items Delivery, Night Life, General Chat
4 1.1.1 16.3.17 General Chat work
5 1.1.2 24.3.17 Add hosting, Add item, Night Life - Done!
6 1.1.3 26.3.17 Prototype
7 1.2.0 10.4.17 Permissions - Admin can delete and cut old items
8 1.3.0 15.4.17 Messages - Admin can publish massages at the main page
9 1.3.1 18.4.17 Massages - Users can send massages to other users
10 1.3.2 20.4.17 Massages - Done!
11 1.4.0 22.4.17 Profiles - can add picture
12 1.4.1 23.4.17 Profiles - can update details
13 1.4.2 27.4.17 Users Profiles - New Component
14 1.4.3 3.5.17 Users Profiles - Done!
15 1.4.3 10.5.17 Admin panel - Done!
16 1.5.0 20.5.17 Chats groups - Done
17 1.5.1 1.6.17 Languages support - Done
18 1.5.2 4.6.17 New Design
19 1.5.3 10.6.17 Testing systems
20 1.5.3 20.6.17 Finish!


A web application that will help build the service in Israel. The purpose of the application is to connect and connect girls Service from all over the country and create a collaborative environment in which the girls will be able to raise issues related to everyday life Interaction between girls who speak different languages ​​and shared entertainment. The app is designed to be a chat forum In which the girls will be able to get to know and interact with them on various subjects. In addition, the application will link the service's employees with donors and hosts. Donors can donate money or equipment, And the hosts will be able to host Shabbat meals or holiday eves. In addition we will make sure to connect the app to the various services offered by the company such as Facebook, Instagram and more.


A system that will be built as web application will be built. The system will be typed in the languagescript language using the angular2 directory. In the initial stage we will make sure to make a registration system through the Firebase system. We made sure to update the organization in advance that they would have to provide their database, towards the end of the work if we could make the change for them. The applet will build in a packet so that there are four main topics:

  • Shabbat service
  • Items for delivery
  • night life
  • Current messages (Chat system)

The system will include 3 main users:

  • Volunteer - A user with the right to create a message on the relevant subjects, including the option to edit and delete the message.
  • Service Bat - A user with different privileges, who will only have some options to join and create their own.
  • Contributor - partial permissions ie only the subjects relevant to it.

There are additional extensions that are not central: such as the current messages from the organization's coordinator will be displayed to anyone who enters the site. There is a need on the part of the client that the application be reliable and have information security, that is, the information about the service girls Will be confidential. On the other hand, there will be information relevant to both sides, both for building the service and for donors / hosts. In addition to each bat Service / donor who wants to register requires approval from the client.

Glossary of Terms

  • "Forum" - an area where girls can discuss between them and raise issues related to their daily lives. There will be several forums For example "evening entertainment".
  • "Different users": When registering for each registrant there are different privileges, such as when registering as a service girl You are granted permissions to the forum or the nightlife area, these privileges will not be given to contributors.

Use Cases

  • Table of players and stakeholders and their goals
Object name Targets
1 Daughter of service The connection between a service girl and another service daughter, and between a service girl and a donor / host.
2 Volunteer Volunteer Full viewing and editing permissions
3 Donates The possibility of hosting on Shabbat and contributing to the organization of a mother's property or voluntary assistance
4 Webmaster Monitoring the registration of girls and donors, and maintaining the application.
5 Product developers. Product development for the customer
  • Use Cases
  • Usage scenarios

The main scenario that links all parts of the application is posting in the application forum

Object name Targets
1 leading actor A service girl / volunteer
2 Purpose A service girl wants to raise a topic or question for all the different girls.
3 Scope and level User Forum System.
4 Stakeholders and interests The various service girls may respond or become interested in anything related to them.
5 Description. A service girl will be allowed to post messages in the forum and become an active member of the chat
6 Trigger. A service girl will be allowed to post messages in the forum and become an active member of the chat
7 Description. A service girl will be allowed to post messages in the forum and become an active member of the chat
8 Description. Direct connection between the various service girls and the creation of a cooperative and social area for them
9 Prerequisites. Service girl will need to register and get approval because she is really part of the organization
10 Successful termination conditions. The service girl received a response to her question and / or found a company that identified with her.
11 Termination failure conditions. A service girl did not receive a response from the forum.
12 A major success scenario. ** The system displays a main screen with messages going through the forum. ** The service enters the forum that deals with its area of ​​interest. ** The service sends messages and watches messages from its members. ** The service finds a new company or responds to a problem it had.
13 Extensions (Errors). Creating different forums in the forum, saving the information that passes through each forum, and trying to bridge the gap Language gaps between service girls.
14 Alternative scenarios There will be chat, one area for messaging and messages between different service girls


Story Description
US1 New user certificate. When a user tries to register, they need to identify themselves And approved by administrators.
US2 Login to the site Service girls will need to sign up for the app to receive Access information, post new ads, and view forums Different. Any app access should be re-established.
US3 securing All information related to the build is confidential. Those who do not connect to the system Will not be able to view information about the girls.
US4 See suggestions for other people We'll show each user a different view so that each user knows what their role is in the app
US5 Complete a project proposal form We will present suggestions to the management of the organization in order to give us an idea of ​​how to improve the application at every stage
US6 Warnings and conclusions Each team member has the option to offer refreshments for improvement and preservation. Each team member has full access to update each data.

Environmental Requirements

Hardware Requirements

There is a requirement for a database that can contain the information about the girls, the users and the forms that the donors fill, in addition there is a demand for a storage server in order to store the images that the users will upload, here too we will use the Firebase service.

Software Requirements

  • The application will be supported by all platforms, such as various Internet browsers and various (advanced)
  • Categorizing information between different user permissions.
  • Accessibility in different languages.
  • Option for different users (manager, volunteer, service girl, donor)

Additional Requirements Functionality

  • We will use a service that firebase gives in order to encode the users names and their personal information
  • The design of the application will be done by the organization's decision, and the organization is considering bringing in a graphic artist

Additional Requirements Not functionality

  • The system will be convenient for the user.
  • The system will have one second response time.
  • The database can accommodate up to 500 service girls (there are currently 300) and up to 1000 general users.
  • The process of connecting to the application and loading data will not exceed 5 seconds.

User Interface Prototype

Our product is at an advanced stage of the work in relation to the requirements of the organization. For more details on the work process you can view our wiki and find our progress. You are invited to send us questions according to the information on the group information page https://test-f29de.firebaseapp.com/

The client review

We make sure to meet with the owners of the organization every three weeks, the last time they published a presentation with the updated requirements. Link