Iteration0 ZFR - Nir-Cohen/Bishvil GitHub Wiki
Iteration 0 - Zero Feature Release
- Prototype
- Set Iterations and Dates
- Set goals
- Set expectations
You can use the user guide that we wrote and be impressed by the app
Iterations and Dates
We defined important issues and milestones to be finish till deadline that we set up. We marked the different issues with labels.
Iteration Goals
This ZFR document describes which missions we done already and which missions we to do in the future with the priority of each issue. It's help us to understand what is the bugs in our project,in which state we are and about what we need to focus on in order to be able finish our job.
The document include list of user stories that sorted by the requirements. We divided our missions to sprints sections.
Main Task Managment Our Work-space to see all the tasks with them status like tasks that are ready.
Our missons for this step are:
- Install box messages
- Update user permissions
- enable register by google
- Preliminary documentation
- Planning the first round using the Scram method
Team Roles
In our group, you are invited to look at our team page and see that we are all experienced in the same languages โโand skills, so this time we decided to divide the work as follows:
- Tal doing box messages
- Roy update the permissions
- Netanel and Eddie doing the register by google feature
Task Management
User Stories
All the options a user can do in an app, we divided it by user types: a manager (volunteer), a user (service girl) and a guest(donor)
- As a guest I can log-in into the system
- As a guest I can add items for delivery and open 'Host Shabat' event.
- As a user I can create and edit my profile.
- As a user I can add night event.
- As a user I can open chat room and send message in the chat.
- As a user I can join to events (Night events and Shabat).
- As a user I can ask for items.
- As a user I can delete my own posts (events and items).
- As a user I can view other profiles.
- As a user I can read general messages.
- As a user I can send private messages.
- As a manager I can delete any event or item.
- As a manager I can add and delete general messages.
Notes: Anything a guest can do, can be do by a user and anything a user can do, can be do by a manager.
- Update team page
- Developer manual
- rewrite user manual
- Update inception page
- Update README
- Update SRS
- Update ZFR
Iteration 2
- More deatails about the item publisher
- Add item photo
- Add hosting
- Add "status" to add message button
- Add component group chat
- Profile photo
- Update profile
- Private message
- Login with facebook
Iteration 3:
- Forgot password
- Finish the relevant documents
- Editing the design if there is time left
- Add additional languages
- Volume and storage testing at Firebase
- Completion of information in the forms we created at the beginning of the project
Iteration 4:
In the next iteration we will do Testing to the software
Meeting Summaries
Shared document: In this document, the organization wrote and update the expectations that he wont us to be done. Meeting 2 Summary: In this document, the organization wrote the last meting summary.
Next Iter1-MVP Planning
In the next iteration we will Finish the app screens and add the Functionality of:
- Update team page
- Developer manual
- rewrite user manual
- Update inception page
- Update README
- Update SRS
- Update ZFR