Iteration 3 - Nir-Cohen/Bishvil GitHub Wiki

Iteration 3

Iteration Goals

This iteration is one before the last, when we go over the whole code again and check that there are no bugs and the system functions properly, if we have time we will try to improve the main categories we chose.


  • Iteration3 final document.
  • Development for iteration number 4

Development - in progress

  • Forgot password.
  • Add additional languages
  • Firebase test system
  • Improved management system

Team Roles

In this iteration due to geographical distance in our team we decided to divide the work so that everyone will work from home and meet once a week together with staff "Bishvil". For more information about our team, please visit our team page at the following link

  • Eddie Lavian - NightLife category
  • Tal Yehousha - item category.
  • Netanel Morli - host category.
  • Roy Shani - permessions system.
  • Nir Cohen - github system & bugs

Task Managment

link to Main Task Managment - Our Work-space to see all the tasks with them status like tasks that are ready.


During the iteration we developed new material and updated the existing material that is written on the wiki page of the group, so we will list in a few words where the change was made and what is the change.

  • Planing-Inception - We edited the process update table so that they knew where we were

Meeting Summaries

On 11.6 we were invited by the bishvil team to an evening of service understandings. Before the evening we will contact them and talk about the existing product. By then the product will be in final stages and ready for delivery. We will try to implement a convenient interface for management so that the application will help them with their needs. Beyond that in our conversations with them they are satisfied with the product

Process, Methods & Tools

Forgot Password - When a user forgets his password we have made a possibility that he can recover

Add additional languages - In progress trying to use some google API

Firebase test system -We did a firebase reset. We deleted all the data and we put a lot of information into it to see if our code was able to hold all the information. :) Management system - We improve site management so that it's easy for administrators to delete users, add users, and change their setting.

Methods & Tools - in progress *

Next Iteration (iteration 4 Planning

we will try to pass the project web application to apk application, checking the app with testing. :+1: :1st_place_medal: