Iteration 2 - Nir-Cohen/Bishvil GitHub Wiki

Iteration 2

Iteration Goals

In this iteration, we decided to focus on a number of important issues: design and system design, building a chat system, building a profile page, managing the app permissions We'll divide it into two parts - practical application development and writing of additional documents


  • Iteration2 final document.
  • Development for iteration number 3
  • rewrite user manual - Update design and fetures.


  • Change the layout and layout of the site
  • Set the chat system to work fully
  • Add permissions to the private user and site administrator

Team Roles

In this iteration due to geographical distance in our team we decided to divide the work so that everyone will work from home and meet once a week together with staff "Bishvil". For more information about our team, please visit our team page at the following link

  • Eddie Lavian - NightLife category
  • Tal Yehousha - Chat system.
  • Netanel Morli - Design layout
  • Roy Shani - Profile system.
  • Nir Cohen - User Rights Management System

Task Managment

link to Main Task Managment - Our Work-space to see all the tasks with them status like tasks that are ready.


During the iteration we developed new material and updated the existing material that is written on the wiki page of the group, so we will list in a few words where the change was made and what is the change.

  • Planing-Inception - We added a risk that we discovered during development - obtaining a registration certificate on gmail account
  • Developer-Manual - We have installed a number of tools to enable us to develop more easily
  • User-Manual - We both design the system

Meeting Summaries

We talk regularly with the management team "bishvil" so they receive updates on any changes after showing our product they informed us that they are satisfied and that we will continue to work and so far all their demands are met.

Process, Methods & Tools

Chat System - If a user wants to create a group (similar to whatsup in the world), a user can select from the list of users he wants to create a group with, and then select the group name and image of his or her choice. , The webmaster will approach all groups in a hidden manner in order to know that no unusual things are being done.

Change Site View - In order to create unique applications, we created our own unique design - we did not use existing designs throughout the Internet, and then we adapted the design to fit any system, ie web appliaction, the design is still in development and we will try to finish it in the next iteration. I will attach a main picture which shows the change in design

Add permissions to the private user and site administrator - We have added a management interface to the private user and to the administrator user. In order to save work for the management team, we created a Pannel that enables them to change the nature of the users.

Methods & Tools - We've implemented several installs for extensions: "ng2-dropdown" , "ng2-autocomplete" You can get more information within developer documentation *

Next Iteration (iteration 3) Planning

  • Forgot password
  • Finish the relevant documents
  • Editing the design if there is time left
  • Add additional languages
  • Volume and storage testing at Firebase
  • Completion of information in the forms we created at the beginning of the project