Map Tracker - Ninban/iogr_emotracker_apokalysme GitHub Wiki

Tips and tricks for the Map Tracker

Tracker organization

  1. Item Tracker
  2. Configurations
  3. Map
  4. Pinned locations

Item Tracker

The Item Tracker doesn't change, you get more info about it in the Item Tracker page.


  • Closed Portal: The Dark Portals will not be shown on the Map

Configurations des portails - Off

  • Portal with enemy icon: The Dark Portals inside dungeons will be shown on the Map

Configurations des portails - Dungeons

  • Portal with star (default): All Dark Portals shown on Map

Configurations des portails - All




  • Orange: Some of the content is accessible
  • Yellow: Some of the content is accessible in logic, but more is accessible by using a "sequence break" (glitch, for example)
  • Green: All the content is accessible

Pinned locations

Pinned Locations
