Item Tracker - Ninban/iogr_emotracker_apokalysme GitHub Wiki
- The items
- Hieroglyphs
- Abilities
- Consumables
- Objectives
Left click on a key item to indicate you got it.
For some items, a right click can mark you have used or given that item. The left click is used to mark or unmark the item. The affected items are:
- Lola's Melody (Mentor)
- Prison Key (Prison door)
- Large Roast (Native in Natives' Village)
- Diamond Block (Plateform)
- Wind Melody (Tile)
- Incan Statues (Pedestal)
- Mine Keys (Mine door)
- Elevator Key (Mine door)
- Memory Melody (Nico / Neil)
- Purify Stone (Shining stone)
- Mu Key (Mu door)
- Necklace (Lily)
- Will (Kruk)
- Apple (Aude / Ann)
- Teapot (Spirit)
- Black Glasses (Shining crystal)
- Gorgon Flower (Young girl in Natives' Village)
- Lola's Letter (Eric / Erik)
Certain items can be obtained in multiple copies. In that case, use the left click to increment the item counter. Use the right click to decrement. The affected items are:
- Red Jewels (maximum 50)
- Herbs (maximum 12)
- Crystal Balls (maximum 4)
- Hope Statues (maximum 2)
- Rama Statues (maximum 2)
- Mushroom Drops (maximum 3)
- Hieroglyphs (maximum 6)
You can specify the randomized hieroglyph combination you will need to access the Pyramid Boss (which you can read in the Journal). You only need to right click on each of the 6 hieroglyphs to cycle through them.
Doing a left click mark that you have put the hieroglph in their correct order or to unmark it.
Will has 3 powers to help him progress through the seeds. They can be marked with a left click and unmarked with a right click:
- Psycho Dash
- Psycho Slide
- Spin Dash
Freedant also posseses 3 powers to help him progress the game. They can be marked with a left click and unmarked with a right click:
- Dark Friar
- Aura Barrier
- Earthquaker
Will's Psycho Dash and Freedan's Dark Friar can be powered up by finding the Light Jewel and the two Dark Jewels respectively. Mark and unmark the power up on the appropriate icon with left and right clicks.
In the "Red Jewels Hunt" mode, you need to obtain a certain number of Red Jewels to finish the game. The numbers varies by difficulty (35 in Easy, 40 in Normal, 50 in Hard/Extreme).
In the "Dark Gaia" mode, your objective is to
- Save Kara. She is imprisoned in a painting you can find in any one of the minor dungeons
- Get some of the Mystic Statues in the major dungeons. Which statues you must get is told you by the teacher in the beginning school.
Kara can be found in any of the 5 minor dungeons (information you can obtain by seeing her painting or by reading Lance's Letter). A right click on her painting can be used to cycle through images representing the possible minor dungeons she can be found in. Left click will mark or unmark if you saved her or not:
- Edward's Castle Prison (Castle Soldier)
- Diamond Mine (Flayzer)
- Angel Village (Ishtar)
- Mountain Temple / Mount Kress (Fire Sprite)
- Angkor Vat (Gorgon)
About the Mystic Statues, right click allows you to add/remove a star. The star helps to note which statues are necessary to unlock the final battle against Dark Gaia. Use the left click to mark any statues you got.
Take your time to test in order to fully understand how this tracker works.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask it in the EmoTracker discord (#pack-support channel) or in the Illusion of Gaia Randomizer discord, (#tracker channel).