Life Support Guide - Nils277/KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems GitHub Wiki

Kerbal Planetary Base Systems supports seven different life support mods for Kerbal Space Program. This page explains the provided parts for these Life Support Mods and how to use them.

This Guide is NOT up to date witht the current state of KPSB and/or the life support mods and may contain outdated or wrong information. For a spreadsheet for the needed setup for TAC-LS see here: TAC-LS Spreadsheet


Deepfreeze continued
Ioncross Crew Support
IFI Life Support


As TAC-LS is the most complex Life-Support Mod available for KSP, the support for this mod is likewise complex. Besides the common containers for Water, Food, Oxygen, Waste-Water, Waste and Carbon Dioxide, KPBS also adds multiple Converters and Harvesters that prolong the supplies or enable a permanent base on some planets.


Water Purifier:
The Water Purifier filters the Waste-Water the Kerbals produce. The outcome is pure water and waste.

Carbon Extractor:
The carbon extractor filters the CO2 from the Kerbals or the CO2 havested from the planet and produces Oxygen and Waste.

The elektron splits the water to get breathable oxygen and hydrogen.

Sabatier Reactor:
The sabatier reactor uses CO2 and Hydrogen to produce fresh Water and some waste.

The Fuel-Cell consumes Oxygen and Hydrogen to produce Water and EC.

The airfilter can be used on planets with an atmosphere to harvest Oxygen, CO2 or Hydrogen. What resources can be harvested depends on the planet. This can be seen in the next chapter.

Algae Farm:
The Algae Farm uses Ore and some Waste to produce Organics that can be used in the Greenhouse the grow Food.

Greenhouse and Container Greenhouse:
The Greenhouse and the smaller Container Greenhouse can be used to grow Food for the Kerbals from Waste, Water and Organics. It consumes CO2 as a byproduct and produces Oxygen.

Water Drill
The Water Drill is very similar to the normal drill. But instead of ore, it harvests water. The drills only work on certain planets/moons. These are: Kerbin, Minmus, Duna, Laythe, Vall and Eeloo.

Cental Hub:
The Central Hub has a Carbon Extractor and an Airfilter capable to support 4 Kerbals already installed.

Planets and self-sustaining Bases

As mentioned in the instruction for TAC-LS it is possible to create self-sustaining bases on some of the planets. This is possible because some of the planets have harvestable resources that can be converted into all the supplies the kerbals need.

Planet Ore Water Oxygen Hydrogen CO2 Self sustaining base
Moho X
Eve X X X X
Gilly X
Kerbin X X X X X
Mun X
Minmus X X X
Duna X X X X
Ike X
Dres X
Jool X X
Laythe X X X X
Vall X X X
Tylo X
Bop X
Pol X
Eeloo X X X

Needed Converters for Self Sustaining Bases

This guide explains what convertes and harvesters are needed on the planets/moons as a bare minimum to have a self-sustaining base for 8 Kerbals


Food Water Oxygen
Greenhouse Airfilter for CO2 Carbon Extractor
Container Greenhouse Airfilter for Hydrogen
Drill for Ore Sabatier Reactor x2
Algae Farm x2


Food Water Oxygen
Greenhouse Water-Drill Airfilter (Oxygen)
Container Greenhouse
Drill for Ore
Algae Farm x2


Food Water Oxygen
Greenhouse Water-Drill Elektron
Container Greenhouse
Drill for Ore
Algae Farm x2


Food Water Oxygen
Greenhouse Water-Drill Airfilter(CO2)
Container Greenhouse Carbon Extractor
Drill for Ore
Algae Farm x2


KPBS supports USI-LS. It adds several parts that resemble the convertes/greenhouses used for USI-LS. Additionalla also the Habitation time for the Kerbals is supported. All parts are configured following the recomendations of RoverDude, the author of USI-LS. Currently the Wear of the parts is not fully supported. The habitation parts have ReplacementParts but there exist no additional containers for this resource. For all other resources (NOMS, Mulch, Fertilizer and Water) containers are available.


Algae Farm:
The Algae Farm uses Ore and some Mulch to produce Fertilizer that can be used in the Greenhouse the grow NOMS.

Greenhouse and Container Greenhouse:
The Greenhouse and the smaller Container Greenhouse can be used to grow NOMS for the Kerbals from Mulch and Fertilizer.

Water Drill:
The Water Drill is very similar to the normal drill. But instead of ore, it harvests water that can be used in the more advanced recyclers. The drills only work on certain planets/moons. These are: Kerbin, Minmus, Duna, Laythe, Vall and Eeloo.

Parts with Recyclers




Planets and self-sustaining Bases

In theory bases on all planets/moons can be self sustaining when a drill for ore is brought with the base. This allows the production of enough Food to keep you Kerbals fed.

Though a Kerbal still cannot stay indefinitely on a base. At least when Habitation is turned on for USI-LS.