settings.yml - NikV2/CardinalAPI GitHub Wiki
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | |
# | Cardinal |
# | |
# | Discord: |
# | |
# | Author: Nik |
# | |
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# Optimization Settings
# Would you like Cardinal to clear old server log files?
# Should we enable this?
enabled: true
# Logs older than this amount of days will be cleared by Cardinal
days: 7
# Would you like Cardinal to clear Entities if they exceed a specific amount inside a Chunk?
# Should we enable this?
enabled: true
# Interval in seconds
check_interval: 180
# The max amount of entities allowed inside a Chunk
max_entities: 40
# Would you like Cardinal to broadcast this Event?
broadcast: true
# Should Cardinal ignore named entities?
ignore_named: true
# Worlds that Cardinal won't check into
- example_world
# Entities that Cardinal won't check for
- villager
- painting
- armor_stand
- dropped_item
- item_frame
# Would you like Cardinal to Execute specific actions if the Server's TPS exceed a specific Value?
# Should we enable this?
enabled: true
# Interval in seconds
check_interval: 5
# Would you like Cardinal to broadcast this action?
broadcast: true
# Would you like Cardinal to log this action?
log_to_file: true
# If the Server's TPS is equal or below this Value, Cardinal will trigger this Event
trigger: 13.5
# If the Server's TPS is equal or above this Value, Cardinal will stop the Recover Task
recover: 18.0
# Would you like Cardinal to execute the Entity Clearing Task?
clean_max_entities_in_chunks: true
# Would you like Cardinal to freeze every Natural Behavior?
freeze_natural_behavior: true
# Would you like Cardinal to call the JVM Garbage Collector in order to save up some memory?
call_garbage_collector: false
# Chat Settings
# Anti Swear Properties
# Should we enable this?
enabled: true
# Would you like to replace swears?
# Should we enable this?
enabled: true
# What should the player's message be replaced to?
replacement: You're a great person
# Words listed below will trigger the Swear Filter
- fuck
- sex
- prick
- bastard
- penis
- ass
- cunt
- shit
- whore
- cock
- tits
- wanker
- dick
- pussy
- slut
- bitch
- nigga
- nigger
- kys
# Anti Spam Properties
# Would you like a Cooldown between sending messages?
# Should we enable this?
enabled: true
# Delay in seconds
delay: 2
# Would you like a Cooldown between executing commands?
# Should we enable this?
enabled: true
# Delay in seconds
delay: 2
# Would you like to block Advertising?
anti_advertise: true
# Would you like to block Unicode Characters?
anti_unicode: true
# Grammar Properties
# Should we enable this?
enabled: true
# Would you like to Capitalize the first letter of a message?
capitalize: true
# Would you like to put a Dot at the end of a message?
insert_dot: true
# The length required in order to check the message
message_length: 4
# Console Filter Properties
# Would you like Cardinal to filter specific console messages?
enabled: false
# Words listed below will be hidden from the Console (Can save up some CPU Usage in certain scenarios)
- GameProfile
- Disconnected
- UUID of player
- logged in
- lost connection
- InitialHandler
- Title command successfully executed
# Chat Emoji Properties (Feel free to add your own!)
enabled: true
check: <3
replace: ❤
check: :/
replace: ㋡
check: :(
replace: ☹
check: :)
replace: ☺
# Broadcaster Properties
# Should we enable this?
enabled: false
# Should this task be run Asynchronously?
async: true
# The Broadcaster Interval in Ticks (3 Minutes by default)
interval: 3600
# What Prefix should the Broadcaster have?
prefix: '&6&l[&eCardinal&6&l]&f&l»&r '
# Should the order of the messages be random?
random: false
# Leave empty for no Sound
sound: ''
# The messages to broadcast
- '&fThis is a message sent by &6Cardinal''s&f Broadcaster!'
- '&fI''m another message sent by the Broadcaster.'
- '&fWould you look at that? Another message!'
# Report Settings
# How often should Cardinal clean up old reports from the database?
clear_days: 7
# The GUI Title
title: '&8Select a Reason'
# How often is the player allowed to make a Report? (Delay in seconds)
report_cooldown: 60
# The GUI Slots
slots: 45
# The report options specified below will be added to the GUI (Feel free to add your own!)
name: '&9&lCheating'
material: BOOK
slot: 10
reason: Cheating
- ''
- '&7I Caught this Player Cheating'
- '&7On the Server!'
name: '&9&lSwearing'
material: BOOK
slot: 12
reason: Swearing
- ''
- '&7This Player is Swearing'
- '&7On the Server!'
name: '&9&lHarassment'
material: BOOK
slot: 14
reason: Harassment
- ''
- '&7This Player is Harassing me and/or'
- '&7Another member of the Server'
name: '&9&lExploiting'
material: BOOK
slot: 16
reason: Exploiting
- ''
- '&7This player has been Exploiting'
- '&7A Bug, Issue or Anything Related'
name: '&9&lRacism'
material: BOOK
slot: 29
reason: Racism
- ''
- '&7This player is Expressing signs of Racism'
- '&7Racial Discrimination and/or Offensive Behavior'
name: '&9&lAdvertising'
material: BOOK
slot: 31
reason: Advertising
- ''
- '&7This player has been Advertising'
- '&7On the Server!'
name: '&9&lOther'
material: BOOK
slot: 33
reason: Other
- ''
- '&7I am reporting this player'
- '&7For a different Reason'
# AntiBot Settings
# Should we log when there has been an Attack or an attempt to join with a VPN?
log_to_file: true
# Would you like to have a Delay between reconnects? (-1 to disable)
reconnect_delay: 5
# Player names listed here will be completely ignored from the AntiBot
# It is suggested that you add your Staff Members in this list
# In order to save some perfomance
- owner
- admin
- moderator
# Attack Properties
# Would you like Cardinal to check if the Server is being
# Attacked and handle incoming Connections?
enabled: true
# Would you like Cardinal to broadcast this action?
broadcast: true
# How many connections per second must be made
# In order to activate the Attack Mode?
max_connections_per_second: 6
# How long would you like the Attack Mode Duration to last
# Before Cardinal allows incoming Connections again? (Interval in seconds)
duration: 60
# VPN Properties
# Would you like to enable Cardinal's VPN Check?
enabled: true
# Should we blacklist users that get detected for VPN/Proxy? (Enable to improve perfomance)
blacklist: true
# Should we use this service?
enabled: true
# Optional API Key
key: ''
# Should we use this service?
enabled: true
# Optional API Key
key: ''
# Should we use this service?
enabled: true
# Optional API Key
key: demo
# Exploit Settings
# Should we log when a Player attempts to Exploit?
log_to_file: true
# Prevents invalid position packets
packet: true
# Invalid UUID/Address (Enable if you're running BungeeCord)
uuid_spoof: false
# Used for bypassing IP Whitelist (Enable if you're running BungeeCord)
null_address: false
# Prevents unicode characters and ensures that the character limit wont be bypassed
book_exploit: true
# Prevents some types of server crashers (This has been fixed in the Latest Versions of Minecraft)
custompayload: true
# Disabled Items Properties
# Should we prevent specific items from being obtained?
enabled: true
# Items listed below will no longer be obtainable
# Disabled Commands Properties
# Should we enable this?
enabled: true
# Commands listed below will be disabled by Cardinal
- /pl
- /plugins
- /ver
- /version
- /about
- /icanhasbukkit
- /bukkit:?
- /bukkit:pl
- /bukkit:plugins
- /bukkit:about
- /bukkit:help
- /bukkit:ver
- /bukkit:version
- //calc
- //calculate