config.yml - NikV2/CardinalAPI GitHub Wiki

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# |                                                                                              |
# |                                            Cardinal                                          |
# |                                                                                              |
# |                               Discord:                            |
# |                                                                                              |
# |                                           Author: Nik                                        |
# |                                                                                              |
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# General plugin settings

  # The server's name that will be used for Discord Notifications and Reports
  server_name: Server

  # Would you like to check and get notified for updates on startup?
  check_for_updates: true

  # Would you like to receive general plugin notifications?
  notifications: true

  # How often should Cardinal clear player cache? (Interval in seconds)
  cache_interval: 160

  # Would you like to automatically delete old logs generated by Cardinal? (Interval in days, Set to -1 to disable)
  delete_logs: 3

# Discord Integration Settings

  # Would you like Cardinal to send messages to your Discord Server?
  enabled: false

  # Insert the Channel Webhook URL
  webhook_url: ''

  # Would you like Cardinal to sync Alert messages sent by players using
  # The /cardinal alert command directly to your Discord?
  send_alerts: true

  # Would you like Cardinal to send Discord notifications
  # When a player attempts to Exploit?
  exploit: true

  # Would you like Cardinal to send Discord notifications
  # When the server is being Attacked?
  antibot: true

  # Would you like Cardinal to send Discord notifications
  # When a player attempts to join using a VPN - Proxy?
  vpn: true

  # Would you like Cardinal to send Discord notifications
  # When a player gets Reported?
  reports: true

  # Would you like Cardinal to send Discord notifications
  # When a player gets Banned?
  bans: true

  # Would you like Cardinal to send Discord notifications
  # When a player gets Kicked?
  kicks: true

  # Would you like Cardinal to send Discord notifications
  # When a player gets Muted?
  mutes: true

# Command settings

  # Should we override the default /title command? (Turns /cardinal title to /title)
  title_override: false

  # Should we override the default /actionbar command? (Turns /cardinal actionbar to /actionbar)
  actionbar_override: false

  # Should we override the default /kick command? (Turns /cardinal kick to /kick)
  kick_override: false

  # Should we override the default /ban command? (Turns /cardinal ban to /ban)
  ban_override: false

  # Should we override the default /mute command? (Turns /cardinal mute to /mute)
  mute_override: false

  # Should we override the default /report command? (Turns /cardinal report to /report)
  report_override: false

  # Should we override the default /reports command? (Turns /cardinal reports to /reports)
  reports_override: false

  # Should we override the default /alert command? (Turns /cardinal alert to /alert)
  alert_override: false

  # Should we override the default /vanish command? (Turns /cardinal vanish to /vanish)
  vanish_override: false

  # Should we override the default /lockdown command? (Turns /cardinal lockdown to /lockdown)
  lockdown_override: false

  # Should we override the default /bc command? (Turns /cardinal bc to /bc)
  bc_override: false

  # Should we override the default /staff command? (Turns /cardinal staff to /staff)
  staff_override: false

  # Should we override the default /warn command? (Turns /cardinal warn to /warn)
  warn_override: false

# General title settings

  # If the Title exceeds this limit it will convert the rest into a Subtitle (Applies for Color Codes)
  length_limit: 25

  # The fade in time of the title
  fadeintime: 20

  # The show time of the title
  showtime: 80

  # The fade out time of the title
  fadeouttime: 20

# General actionbar settings
actionbar_settings: ''

# General kick settings

  # Would you like Cardinal to broadcast this action?
  broadcast: true

  # Would you like Cardinal to log this action?
  log: true

  # Would you like to be able to Kick Operators?
  kick_operators: false

# General ban settings

  # Would you like Cardinal to broadcast this action?
  broadcast: true

  # Would you like Cardinal to log this action?
  log: true

  # Would you like to be able to Ban Operators?
  ban_operators: false

# General warn settings

  # Would you like Cardinal to log this action?
  log: true

  # Would you like to be able to Warn Operators?
  warn_operators: false

# General mute settings

  # Would you like Cardinal to broadcast this action?
  broadcast: true

  # Would you like Cardinal to log this action?
  log: true

  # Would you like to be able to Mute Operators?
  mute_operators: false

# General vanish settings

  # Would you like to see an Actionbar message once you go in vanish? (Disable to save some perfomance)
  actionbar: true

  # Would you like to get the Night Vision effect when vanished?
  night_vision: true

# Database Settings
# This will be the database type that Cardinal is going to use for Player Reports, Bans e.t.c

  # What type of database should Cardinal use?
  # Supported types: SQLITE, MYSQL
  type: SQLITE

  # MySQL Settings (Requires MySQL Type)
    host: localhost
    port: 3306
    database: database
    user: root
    password: ''
    use_ssl: false

    # MySQL Connection Pool Settings
    # Do not change unless you know what you're doing
      maximum_pool_size: 50
      minimum_idle: 30
      maximum_lifetime: 1800000
      connection_timeout: 30000
      leak_detection_threshold: 0