Commands - NikV2/CardinalAPI GitHub Wiki
/cardinal staff - Turns the staff chat on/off
/cardinal lockdown - Perform a server lockdown, Kicks all members and enables maintenance mode
/cardinal bc - Broadcast a message to every online player
/cardinal warn - Warn a player for a specific reason
/cardinal vanish - Become invisible
/cardinal actionbar <player/all> - Send an Actionbar message to a player or everyone
/cardinal alert - Send a message to all the staff members
/cardinal ban - Ban a player from the Server
/cardinal ipban - IP Ban a player from the Server
/cardinal ipunban - Unban a banned player's ip
/cardinal clear - Clear the chat
/cardinal kick - Kick a player from the Server
/cardinal menu - Open the Cardinal Menu
/cardinal mute - Mute a player
/cardinal reload - Reload the plugin
/cardinal report - Report a player
/cardinal reports - See a player's reports
/cardinal title <player/all> <title> - Send a title to a player or everyone
/cardinal unban - Unban a banned player
/cardinal unmute - Unmute a muted player