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1."ipconfig" ("Internet Protocol configuration") is a console application program of some computer operating systems that displays all current TCP/IP network configuration values and refreshes Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Domain Name System (DNS) settings.
2."ipconfig /all". All IP information for all network adapters in use by Windows will be displayed.
3."ipconfig /renew" orders your DHCP client to renegotiate an IP address lease with the DHCP server on your router.
4."ipconfig /release" is executed to force the client to immediately give up its lease by sending the server a DHCP release notification.
5."ipconfig /flushdns" it clear any IP addresses or other DNS records from your cache
6."ipconfig /displaydns" shows the DNS resolver cache of your system
7."ipconfig /registerdns" registers all DHCP leases and re-registers DNS names for all your system's network adapters.
8."ipconfig /showclassid Adapter" This command displays the DHCP class ID for a specified adapter.
9."ipconfig /setclassid Adapter" This command is used to modify the DHCP class id.
- "ipconfig /?"- it will display a brief overview of the command's syntax and the available command-line options, helping you understand how to use it to gather network-related information about your system.
11.ping: used to troubleshoot connectivity, reachability, and name resolution.
12.tracert: it is used to find no. of hops to reach the destination host.
13.nslookup: (also known as Name Server Lookup) Command Line utility helps to get the name server information of a particular host.
- netstat: Network statistics command is a networking tool used for troubleshooting and configuration, that can also serve as a monitoring tool for connections over the network.
- netstat -a: Display all active TCP connection.
- netstat -e: Display ethernet statistics such as number of byte and packet sent and received.
17.netstat -n: it display address and port in numerical form
- netstat -o: display TCP connection and includes the process ID for each connection
19.netstat -p: protocol may be any of the TCP UDP TCPv6 UDPv6
20.netstat -s:
21.netstat -r: it display the content of IP routing table.
22.arp -a An ARP cache is a collection of Address Resolution Protocol entries that are created when an IP address is resolved to a MAC address.