Optional making your own tiles - NieneB/webmapping_for_developers GitHub Wiki

You can make your own tiles if you have some geodata. There are many tools and servers out there for generating and hosting vector tiles. Have a look at https://github.com/mapbox/awesome-vector-tiles.

One of the best tools we found, and is available in Docker, is Tippecanoe from Mapbox itself. It is open source and free to use!

Making your own vector tiles with TippeCanoe!

To use Tippecanoe you need:

- Docker
- Geodata as GeoJSONs

:arrow_forward: Export your geodata to GeoJSON. For example with ogr2ogr or export from Qgis or any other GIS tool you use.

:arrow_forward: Get Tippecanoe.

Get the code form https://github.com/mapbox/tippecanoe . Here you can also find their documentation. To build and run tippecanoe:

docker run -it --rm \
  -v /tiledata:/data \
  tippecanoe:latest \
  tippecanoe --output=/data/output.mbtiles /data/example.geojson

I already dockerized Tippecaoe and put in on the Docker Hub. So you can also immediately pull it form there. For the first time just run:

docker run niene/tippecanoe

For more information just read the Tippecanoe documentation. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me!

Get tiles from OSM

Another way of getting vector tiles, without having your own data is from OSM.

Have a look at http://osm2vectortiles.org/