Hosting op Github - NieneB/pzh_web_map GitHub Wiki

:arrow_forward: Head over to and create a new repository named myfirstwebmap

:arrow_forward: Give your repository a nice description. Like:

My First Web Map in Leaflet.js

:arrow_forward: Setting: Public

:arrow_forward: Initialize this repository with a

:arrow_forward: Create Repository

Now we have our own repository!

Uploading files

:arrow_forward:. Upload all the files you need for your web map. Choose either the Leaflet or the D3 map. We can only show 1 per repository. Repeat these steps if you want to show both!

  • index.html
  • main.css
  • main.js

Hosting with GitHub-Pages

GitHub has this awesome trick! If we change our main branch to a GitHub Pages branch and put a index.html file in there, GitHub will host our website!

:arrow_forward: Click on the Settings tab and scroll down to the GitHub Pages section.

:arrow_forward: Then select the master branch source and click on the Save button.

GitHub Pages Source Setting

Fire up a browser and go to Change the user-name in the link to your own GitHub user name and the repository to your repository name!

Read more about it here:

Editing the

The README contains the text that is shown at the bottom of your repository. This usually contains a small explanation of what the repository is about and links to useful other sources. Let's edit our in the browser to customize it!

:arrow_forward: Click on the file and edit it by clicking the edit button.

:arrow_forward: In the put the following:

# My First Web Map in Leaflet.js

This repository contains the scripts and data for my first interactive web map.

You can view my map <[HERE](>

:arrow_forward: Change the user-name in the link to your own GitHub user name and the repository to your repository name!

:arrow_forward: Commit changes.

Now send the link to all your family and friends!

An example of how your repository should look can be found here: