Bridge Laptop Wlan to Ethernet for Raspberry Pi - NicoHood/ GitHub Wiki

Extracted from the old Wordpress blog.

For Laptop users here is a small hint: You can get a stable connection to you Raspberry Pi via Ethernet cable if you use your Laptop as Wifi - Ethernet bridge. This makes some other installations in general more easy because you don't have to fiddle with Wlan configuration (especially with net installers like NOOBS). This may also be used with different devices than the Raspberry Pi, of course.

Go to: Network and Sharing Center -> Change adapter settings -> right click Wifi -> sharing Select both check boxes and the Ethernet adapter you want to use.


Click 'OK' and reboot your PC. This is very important!

Connect a standard Ethernet cable from your Laptop to your Raspberry Pi. No need for a crossover cable since the newer Laptops and Raspberry Pi both have Auto MDI-X.

Your Raspberry should now automatically obtain an IP address. To see what IP you have use


Sometimes I had no Ethernet connection. Simply wait a while or try to reconnect cables. Or reboot one of the devices (normally a Pi boot is faster an should work).

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