Image Processing - NickRowell/asteria GitHub Wiki
Real time image processing
OpenCV may come in handy for performing the image processing. Care will need to be taken to determine what is the most efficient way to process the images from the video feed, i.e. on the GPU or CPU, in RAM or CPU cache or something.
Image format
For each frame, the system will need to know the precise start and end of the exposure. For interlaced scan images (such as those taken by the Watec cameras) this may be tricky.
Detection mask
Need to enable the user to mask parts of the image that contain obstructions
Hot pixels
Some process to detect and track hot pixels would be useful, so they can be masked off in the analysis.
Event triggering algorithm
How will meteor events be detected? What algorithm will be applied to the images to identify these events?
Object centroiding
The image centroiding algorithm is an important part of the astrometric reduction for extracting the most data from the noisy images. Simple centre-of-flux may not be sophisticated enough. Might need to do some PSF fitting.
Other image preprocessing
Flatfielding? Bias/dark frame subtraction?