Installation - NickImpact/Bidoof-Unleashed GitHub Wiki

Initial Setup

  1. Download the latest recommended Bidoof Unleashed-Sx.x.x-Px.x.x-x.x.x.jar, matching it to your Pixelmon Version. The Pixelmon version will typically be a lower bound for most cases, unless the Pixelmon team makes a breaking change in their code. In which case, find the jar with the compatible Pixelmon Version for your use.
  2. Bidoof Unleashed requires a few dependencies. You can download them here:
  3. Navigate to your ./mods/ folder. Simply drop the downloaded jar, along with its dependencies inside.
  4. If your server isn't already shut down, do so now. Once ready, simply boot up the server, allowing base information to generate.
  5. Make any adjustments you wish to the main config. You may also wish to update messages used by the plugin, which you can alter via the respective locale files.
  6. Once satisfied, simply restart your server.