Commands - NickImpact/Bidoof-Unleashed GitHub Wiki
Arguments Key
- Required arguments are marked with angle brackets - e.g.
- Optional arguments are marked with square brackets - e.g.
- If you want to include spaces in arguments, such as specifying a name, you must enclose the argument in quotes - e.g.
"? ??"
All commands in Bidoof Unleashed will be conducted via the primary alias: /bu3
. However, one command overrides this. This command is /badges
, which is setup as it's own command to ease player access.
- /badges
- /bu3
- /bu3 help
- /bu3 gyms
- /bu3 challenge
- /bu3 accept
- /bu3 open
- /bu3 close
- /bu3 admin addgym
- /bu3 admin editgym
- /bu3 admin deletegym
- /bu3 admin createe4
- /bu3 admin addleader
- /bu3 admin adde4member
- /bu3 admin givebadge
- /bu3 admin removebadge
- /bu3 admin addpoke
- /bu3 admin addrequirement
- /bu3 admin setuparena
Permission: bu3.command.badges.base
Allows a player to view their collection of obtained badges!
Permission: bu3.command.bu3.base
Base Bidoof Unleashed command. Specifying this command with no arguments will simply list out all potential sub commands based on permission level.
Specifying this command with no arguments will simply list out all potential sub commands based on permission level.
Permission: bu3.command.gyms.base
Opens up a sorted menu by category which details all gyms in the system. Allows people to directly warp to the gym in the event all conditions are met for it.
Permission: bu3.command.challenge.base
<gym / e4>
- The Gym or E4 you wish to challenge - ``[stage] - A number between 1-4. This option is only necessary when challenging the E4.
Allows a player to challenge a Gym or Elite Four member. Your challenge is placed into the Gym/E4's queue, which can then be accepted by the leader. Make sure you have your team ready for your challenge! Don't worry, your pokemon will be healed before the battle starts.
Permission: bu3.command.accept.base
<gym / e4>
- The Gym or E4 you wish to accept a challenge for.
If you are a leader of the specified Gym or Elite Four, you may accept a challenge from the queue belonging to such.
<gym / e4>
- The Gym or E4 you wish to open.
If you are a leader of the specified Gym or Elite Four, you may open it!
Permission: bu3.command.close.base
<gym / e4>
- The Gym or E4 you wish to close.
If you are a leader of the specified Gym or Elite Four, you may close it!
Aliases: addgym
, ag
, creategym
, cg
Permission: bu3.command.admin.addgym.base
- The name of the Gym -
- Additional settings for the Gym to quicken the creation process.- Available Settings:
- Item ID -
- Name for the badge -
- The level cap for players who have not yet defeated the gym -
- The level cap for players who have defeated the gym -
- How long players must wait (in minutes) to challenge the gym after a previous attempt. -
- Specifies the ordering of the gym. Lower values come before larger ones! -
- The category to create the gym under. If no category currently exists for the specification, one will be created
- Available Settings:
Specifies the creation of a new gym. Gyms created via this command will still need a few edits before being ready for the public!
Aliases: editgym
, eg
Permission: bu3.command.admin.editgym.base
- The Gym we want to edit -
- Additional settings for the Gym to quicken the creation process.- Available Settings:
- The name of the gym -
- Item ID -
- Name for the badge -
- The level cap for players who have not yet defeated the gym -
- The level cap for players who have defeated the gym -
- How long players must wait (in minutes) to challenge the gym after a previous attempt. -
- Specifies the ordering of the gym. Lower values come before larger ones! -
- The category to create the gym under. If no category currently exists for the specification, one will be created
- Available Settings:
Allows quick command usage to simply edit a gym rather than go through the config to edit it.
Aliases: deletegym
, dg
Permission: bu3.command.admin.deletegym.base
- The gym you wish to delete.
Deletes a gym from the stored data. If you have
set to true in your config, the pool of pokemon belonging to the gym will not be altered.
Aliases: createe4
, ce4
Permission: bu3.command.admin.createe4.base
- The category for the Elite Four -
- Additional settings for the Gym to quicken the creation process.- Available Settings:
- Item ID -
- Name for the badge -
- How long players must wait (in minutes) to challenge the gym after a previous attempt.
- Available Settings:
Specifies the creation of a new Elite Four. Note that you will likely want to configure each stage separately after this creation.
Aliases: addleader
, addgymleader
, agl
, al
Permission: bu3.commands.admin.addgymleader.base
- The Gym to add the leader to -
- The name of the leader, or "npc" to add an NPC leader at your position -
- The world to spawn a NPC leader in (Namely for console use) -
- The position to spawn a NPC leader at (Namely for console use)
Adds a new leader to the specified Gym.
Aliases: ae4m
, adde4member
Permission: bu3.commands.admin.ae4m.base
- The Gym to add the leader to -
- The stage of the Elite Four -
- The name of the leader, or "npc" to add an NPC leader at your position
Adds a new leader to the specified Elite Four.
Aliases: givebadge
, gb
Permission: bu3.commands.admin.givebadge.base
- The player to give a badge to -
- The gym referencing which badge to award
Manually gives a player a badge.
Permission: bu3.commands.admin.removebadge.base
- The player to give a badge to -
- The gym referencing the badge
Takes a badge away from the player, assuming they have it.
Aliases: addpoke
, aps
, addpokemonspec
Permission: bu3.commands.admin.aps.base
- The Gym we are targetting -
<battle type>
- initial or rematch -
- The pokemon spec, typically exactly how you'd format pokegive or pokespawn
Adds a pokemon spec to the gym's pool of pokemon, translated into Showdown format
Permission: bu3.commands.admin.addrequirement.base
- The Gym we are targetting -
<battle type>
- initial or rematch -
- The requirement to add to the gym -
- Any additonal arguments required to add the requirement.
Adds a requirement to the gym's list of requirements
Aliases: setuparena
, sa
, sarena
Permission: bu3.commands.admin.setuparena.base
- The Gym we are targetting -
- challenger, leader, or spectator
Sets the location of an arena location based on the command caster's current position.