Home - NickImpact/Bidoof-Unleashed GitHub Wiki
Bidoof Unleashed
Here you will find a complete set of documentation for the plugin, outlining how to install, setup, configure and effectively use Bidoof Unleashed.
Bidoof Unleashed represents a new take on the classic gym management system. Performing closely to AGP, Bidoof Unleashed attempts to make sure the entire process is handled with much more control. Bidoof Unleashed doesn't stop short of gyms, extending its reach to cover its own take on the Elite Four. Information regarding this Elite Four can be found on the Elite Four section of this wiki.
Overall, this plugin attempts to streamline the process of gym management as much as it can. Along with its own API service, Bidoof Unleashed is setup to hopefully meet the requirements of all who wish to use it.
When it comes to support, I, and the many followers of this project, inspire you to seek the support within this following order:
1) Wiki
The wiki is the primary source of information. As a plugin with many different angles, it is my goal (NickImpact) to provide extensive documentation regarding each and every feature. Please don't be offended if someone links you to the wiki in regards to support, we just don't want to have to keep answering the same question which has already been answered!
If some detail is missing from the wiki, or you can't find what you're looking for, proceed to step 2.
2) Discord
Discord is certainly one of the greatest tools available to gamers, and people alike. Support for this plugin can be found namely in the Bidoof Development Discord server. While support may be potentially found in other locations, it is unlikely Pixelmon team members will be willing to assist you with my content. In other words, the Bidoof Development Discord will be the primary source for information regarding this plugin.
Haven't joined it yet? Here's a link: https://discord.gg/sTKj5A3