Sprint 16 - NexusLogica/N GitHub Wiki

###Sprint 16 - Read and write workbench session to a database.

The goal of this sprint is to design and implement a first pass at storage of N data in a database. In this case it will be storing a workbench in a CouchDB.

  1. Add UI for creating and setting up the DB.
  2. Add a UI for deleting a DB.
  3. Write a new workbench to the DB.
  4. Read a list of workbenches from the DB.
  5. Read a workbench from the DB.
  6. Update the workbench to the DB.

Definition of Done:

  1. All functional code written.
  2. All UI written.
  3. Manually tested.
  4. Unit tests written.
  5. Functional tests written.
  6. Documentation written.
  7. Server and client code saved to Github.
  8. Github read-me updated

Start date: August 11, 2014
