Sprint 13 - NexusLogica/N GitHub Wiki
Write SVG code to show connections within a network. The connection should be displayed on a per component basis, so clicking on a single compartment should result in the connections being shown for it, be they input or output. The end element on the component should reflect the connection type, namely simple excitatory or inhibitory, or spiny based excitatory.
- Define row and column channels for connections to flow around. 1. There should be a template giving positions of channels. 1. When layout out the template should be used for reference, hence a layout object is created for each usable.
- Create the main connection line. 1. This should be a path that goes from below an output to above the middle of an input.
Definition of Done
- Connection router written.
- Connection UI object written.
- Unit tests written.
- Documentation written.
- Client code saved to Github.
Start date: March 21, 2014
Completion date: