Sprint 1 - NexusLogica/N GitHub Wiki


The goal for this sprint is to write a simple editor for timing sequences and have the sequences be displayed graphically. The elements to be written are:

  1. A timing sequence object
    1. This object must integrate easily with WaveDrom (Note: not really using object **
    2. For now this does not need floating point output values, only states or binary values.
  2. An input editor.
    1. This should be a text box.
    2. Should allow for simple input.
    3. Should validate input and message the user (Note: hard to validate - none right now).
  3. A wave form display.
    1. Should use WaveDrom for display.
    2. Should update as values typed into editor.

Definition of Done:

  1. Above mentioned UI all written.
  2. Manually tested.
  3. Any functional tests written.
  4. Any unit tests written.
  5. Documentation written for objects.
  6. Checked into Github.
  7. Github read-me updated.

Start date: 2013/06/01

Completed: 2012/06/02