Spike 1 - NexusLogica/N GitHub Wiki

###Spike 1 - Create a three dimensional grid and 3D UI for displaying field vectors.

The goal of this spike is to design and implement the code and UI for electric, magnetic, or changing magnetic fields. This involves both a the mathematical components and the 3D user interface. The actual fields chosen for display does not matter but should be sufficiently non-uniform to show any errors in the grid system or display.

  1. Create a page for setting the grid size and field type.
  2. Implement a few field types with UI to select them and manipulate defining coefficients.
  3. Write a 3D viewer that shows grid points and allows for rotation.
  4. Display the field vectors on the grid.

Definition of Done:

  1. All functional code written.
  2. All UI written.
  3. Manually tested.
  4. Unit tests written.
  5. Functional tests written.
  6. Documentation written.
  7. Server and client code saved to Github.
  8. Github read-me updated

Start date: August 30, 2014
