Sprint 2 Review (21 11 2018) - NextDestTeam/NextDestApp GitHub Wiki

Sprint 2 Review (21-11-2018)

Work Scheduled/Performed

Action Brief Description Completed
Implement Login on Android Implement Login on Android Yes]
Create interactive profile setting screen Create interactive profile setting screen it was changed by a menu with different filters Yes]
Review all the screens for missing details Review all the screens for missing details Yes
Fix Search screen Fix the visualization Search screen Yes
Implement Search Screen Implement Search Screen to filter the results Yes
Add new fields on Register Screen Add new fields on Register Screen like password check Yes
Implement Popular Activity Screen Implement Popular Activity Screen to filter the results Yes
Create Database scripts Create Database scripts Yes
Update Data Model to support user preferences Update Data Model to support user preferences Yes
Register Screen/Web Register Screen/Web Yes
Create DAO Create DAO Yes, need improvements
Create Activity Search/Web Create Activity Search/Web Yes, need improvements
Create Data Models Beans Create Data Models Beans Yes
Create Login/Web Create Login/Web Yes
Create Home/Web Create Home/Web Yes, need improvements
Create Activity Form/Web Create Activity Form/Web Yes, need improvements

Burn-down Graph

Here we need an image reflecting the advances in the Burn-down graph. Complementing the image, we need a small paragraph describing the Scrum Master opinion about the advances. Burnindown

Brun-up (Velocity) Graph

Here we need an image reflecting the advances in the Burn-up graph. Complementing the image, we need a small paragraph describing the Scrum Master opinion about the advances.


Client Improvements

For the conclusions we need to reflect improvement points reflected by our customer.

Client Improvement Description
Client Improvement Action 1 Task Description
Client Improvement Action 2 Task Description
Client Improvement Action 3 Task Description